
So that students can acquire so-called 'one-day-skills', i.e. professional skills and competences that will make them immediately operational after qualification as veterinary surgeons, the course includes 14 Orientation ECTS credits for practical activities in the first four years of the course and in the first semester of the fifth year, and 30 Internship ECTS credits in the second semester of the fifth year.


The skills and competences acquired during the orientation periods must be documented in a portfolio and periodically verified by means of practical tests that also accurately assess aptitude and competences as they are gradually acquired. See the guide for completing the portfolio.

Students must complete the attendance form and hand it in to the Student Registry Office at the end of the practical activity.

Calendar of orientation activities with academic tutors A.Y. 2024/2025

For the on-line procedure and the relevant guides, go to the dedicated Internship Service page and follow the instructions highlighted in the "PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR STUDENTS"

NOTE: Orientation begins after the academic tutor has accepted the training project submitted by the proposing party.

Online procedure activation

Attention: Before initiating the online procedure, students must check whether the chosen external facility has already been assessed as suitable for hosting students on Orientation experiences. See the list of facilities already assessed by the CCL as suitable for either apprenticeship or guidance or both. Eligibility for placement does not imply eligibility for orientation and vice versa.

If the Company/Clinic/Body is not on the list, students must send the Evaluation of External Facilities for Orientation form to, duly completed and signed by the person in charge of the external structure for evaluation by the Degree Course Council.


In order to gain access to the internship, students must hand in the duly completed Portfolio to the Student Registry Office and submit an application to enrol on the internship.

For the on-line procedure and the relevant guides, go to the dedicated Internship Service page and follow the instructions highlighted in the "PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR STUDENTS".
The placement is divided into six activities to be carried out in six periods (see table). Each student is assigned to the period according to the rota drawn up by the doctoral tutors


Studente interno

Lo studente interno (regolamento), ha la possibilità di ampliare e approfondire le competenze all’interno di un settore scientifico disciplinare di suo interesse.

In questa sezione sono disponibili le schede con le attività proposte dai docenti referenti e suddivise per settore scientifico disciplinare. Gli studenti interessati possono prendere visione delle tematiche e contattare i docenti responsabili.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

+39 0521 902604

Quality assurance office

Education Manager:
Giulia Branca

+39 0521 902601
Office mail
Manager mail

President of the degree course

Prof. Roberta Saleri

Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Genchi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Clotilde Silvia Cabassi

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Federico Righi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Simone Taddei


Prof. Alberto Sabbioni