Admission test

The degree course in Veterinary Medicine is subject to a scheduled national access system: enrolment in the course is subject to passing the admission test.

Admission to the course is regulated, for each academic year, by a specific decree of the MUR (Ministry of Universities and Research), which defines the procedures for the admission test, its content and sets the date.

Announcement of publishment of the call for the admission to the academic year 2024/2025

Admission call to the academic year 2024/2025 has been published

For the academic year 2024/2025, spots will be defined and distributed among universities by subsequent decrees of the Minister for Universities and Research.

For entry, residence and enrolment procedures of international students and recognition of qualifications for higher education courses in Italy go to the following link


Phases and deadlines

Phase 1
Registration to the test on Universitaly: from April 3rd 2024 to April 17th /2024, 3pm (GMT +2)

Phase 2
Registration for the test on the University portal: from April 3rd 2024
•    by April 22nd 2024 for the May session
•    by July 24th 2024 for the July session.

Phase 3
Taking the test
•    1st session: May 29th 2024
•    2nd session: July 31st 2024

Publication of results in the personal area on Universitaly website
•    1st session: June 6th 2024
•    2nd session: August 8th 2024

Phase 4
Request for inclusion in the ranking list: from July 29th 2024 to September 2nd 2024, 3pm (GMT +2)

Publication of ranking list: September 10th 2024
Enrollment: within 4 days from the publication of the ranking list or its scrollings, excluding Saturdays and holidays.
Expression of interest (if any): within 5 days (12:00) from the publication of the ranking list or its scrolling, excluding Saturdays and holidays
1st scrolling: September 18th 2024

Convocazione e sede del test

La prova di ammissione per il Corso di Laurea magistrale in Medicina Veterinaria, si terrà mercoledì 31 luglio 2024 presso l’edificio “Ampliamento” del Plesso didattico di Ingegneria “Riccardo Barilla”, c/o il Parco Area delle Scienze 69/A (Campus Scienze e Tecnologie).
Le indicazioni per raggiungere la struttura sono disponibili alla pagina web

Maggiori dettagli al link

Operational Guide

To facilitate registration for the national admissions call to Veterinary Medicine course, a new web procedure has been created that provides direct access to register for the test date already selected on the Universitaly portal.
More details regarding the procedure can be found in the Operational Guide.

Consulta il database per le domande

Consulta il database di tutte le domande e risposte che potranno essere utilizzate durante il test di accesso per Medicina e Veterinaria o effettua un quiz on line per valutare livello generale di conoscenze sulle materie trattate nei test.


Useful links

Ministerial decree no. 472 of 23-02-2024, annexes and notice of test locations
Definition of the procedures and contents of the admission tests for the single-cycle degree courses in medicine and surgery, dentistry and dental prosthetics and veterinary medicine for the academic year 2024/2025


Universitaly – internazional students
Entry, residence and enrolment procedures for international students and relative recognition of qualifications for higher education courses in Italy