cod. 1010496

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - Second semester
Francesca MARTUZZI
Academic discipline
Zootecnica speciale (AGR/19)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course “Sustainability and innovation of products of animal origin” provides basic elements to understand the concepts of environmental, economic and social sustainability, to comprehend their importance, and to apply them in the sector of production and transformation processes of dairy and meat products.
By means of taught lectures, student will achieve knowledge and skills necessary to comprehend and distinguish different technological solutions of production and transformation, with reference to sustainability-based criteria.
Moreover, the student will learn the sector-related specific language, and at the end of the course will be able to communicate the learned main concepts.
The student will be able to comprehend and evaluate critically the meaning, the technological role and the potential innovative applications in the processes related to the production chain of meat and dairy products. By means of the learned skills, the student will be able to analyse the current processes and plants, evaluating the performances, adequacy and possible improvements, as regards safety and sustainability in addition to performance.


Basics of chemistry, microbiology, animal production and food technology

Course unit content

In particular, the following aspects typically related to the environmental sustainability concept will be investigated in depth: water and heat saving innovations; reduction of emissions, wastewater and residues.
Innovations aimed to re-utilize waste products, or creation of transformed under-products obtained by to-be-disposed-of compounds, will be considered under the point of view of environmental and economic sustainability. Meat production traits will be considered also with regard to the importance of animal wellbeing during breeding and slaughtering.
Finally, social sustainability aspects will be considered, with the aim to meet the requests by a new conscience of the consumers, requiring products with less environmental impact and more respectful of animal wellbeing.

Full programme

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- Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero casearia, Qualità e sicurezza, di G. Mucchetti & E. Neviani (2006) Ed: Tecniche Nuove.
- Scienza della carne, di R. A. Lawrie & D. A. Ledward, (2012) Ed: Edagricole.
- Produzioni Animali a cura di A. Sandrucci ed E. Trevisi - EdiSES.

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures with PowerPoint presentations.
Slides and other material will be weekly loaded in the Elly portal.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam in presence. In observance of the current regulations, the exam will be online when not possible in presence.

Other information

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