Course units and programme of study

The programme of study is the set of compulsory and elective courses that the student must take in order to graduate.
Submission of the programme of study for your year of enrolment is compulsory and is required, in particular, for registration for examinations and for completion of the teaching evaluation questionnaires.
All current students must submit their programme of study online via the Esse3 system The programme of study may differ according to the academic year of enrolment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different study paths ('curriculum').
To see the list of courses that you can include in your programme of study, select the academic year of enrolment and, if available, the curriculum.

Search for course units in the programme of study

List of courses

How to obtain essential information on each course (Syllabus) - How to check the dates of the exams before having completed the study plan

The syllabus of a teaching provides the essential information of this teaching.

Contents - Extended program - Prerequisites - Reference texts - Educational objectives - Teaching methods - Learning assessment procedures

The teachers publish the Syllabus for each course.

To view the syllabus of the teachings it is necessary to go to the paragraph "LIST OF COURSES" of this web page, which allows the research of the teachings in the various years.

- Select the year of enrollment (the academic year in which the student enrolled in the course and in which he therefore attended the 1st year - e.g. a student enrolling in the 2nd year in 2022-2023 and want to view the syllabuses of the various courses that will be offered for 2nd year students in the 2022-2023 a.y., will have to select the 2021-2022 enrollment a.y. and then the 2nd year of the course)
- Click on "SEARCH"
- Select the course year (1st year - 2nd year - 3rd year)

In this way you get a list of all the teachings. This list shows:
Name of the course - No. of credits (credits) - Name of the teacher - Scheduled hours of frontal lessons

Clicking on the name of each course opens the page containing the related Syllabus.

To see the dates of the exam sessions for the current year before completing the study plan, open the following link:

Select the time interval you are interested in,
Select Department H6,
Select the degree course (Gastronomic Sciences 3055 - Food Science and Technology 3000, Master of Food Science and Technology 5000, Master of Science of Human Nutrition 5068, Master of Food Safety 5064)
Select the course of interest

How the programme of study works

The list of courses in the programme of study represents the set of training activities that can be envisaged for each of the years of which the course of study consists and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. Free or restricted-choice subjects are optional learning activities that students may include in their programme of study according to the choice criteria specified on this page; the remaining subjects are compulsory for all students.
The programme of study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own programme of study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's educational objectives. In that case, the programme must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.

Part-time students

A part-time student is a student enrolling or enrolling in regular years of study who, for work, health or personal reasons, finds him/herself unable to devote him/herself to full-time studies.
Below are the regulations for the enrolment of part-time students and the programme of study for part-time enrolled students in the academic year 2022-2023.
Regulations for enrolling part-time students 

Part-time programme of study a.a. 2024-2025



Filling out the study plan online a.y. 2024-2025

All current students must submit their study plan ONLY online via the ESSE3 system.
Please note that in order to access the ESSE3 system you must use your University credentials (such as and its password) issued at the time of enrolment.

The plan may be submitted once ONLY AND INDEROGISABLY in the period 
from 7 October 2024 to 06 December 2024.

The presentation of the plan will only concern the teachings of one's own year.

- Students in Years I and II of the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Food Science and Technology and in Gastronomic Sciences and Year I of the Master's Degree Course in Food Science and Technology will simply have to approve and confirm the compulsory courses for their year.

- Students in Year III of the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Food Science and Technology and in Gastronomic Sciences and in Year II of the Master's Degree Course in Food Science and Technology, in addition to confirming the compulsory courses of their year, must proceed to the selection of the free-choice CFUs and the type of work placement.

Any changes to the plans submitted online can be made through the ESSE3 system ONLY AND INDEROGISABLY from 10/03/2025 to 18/04/2025


It is emphasised that the online submission of the study plan is compulsory and preparatory to subsequent career activities or acts (including: electronic student file, registration for examinations, recording of examinations, student opinion survey).
Only study plans that comply with the didactic regulations can be submitted online and will be automatically approved.

The following categories of students must exceptionally submit their study plan in paper format and only within the time windows indicated above
- students who wish to submit a study plan that differs from the conditions proposed by the Esse3 system;
- out-of-course students who wish to modify their study plan.

All THEIR requests relating to the modification of their study plan must be submitted to the Course Council via the relevant Student Secretariats ( ) within the time windows indicated above and reiterated below:
from 07 October 2024 to 06 December 2024
from 10 March 2025 to 18 April 2025
 After approval by the Course Council, the individual study plan will be uploaded by the Student Registry Office into the Esse3 system in order to allow it to be viewed and to allow examinations to be booked.

English B1

Information about the course for the English B1 qualification, how the exams are conducted and the procedure for requesting recognition of externally acquired certifications can be found on the website of the University Language Centre, which organises these courses.

University Language Course website.