Classrooms and laboratories

The classrooms used by the Food Science and Technology degree course are located in the Pharmacy complex, the "Aule delle scienze" complex, and in the "Polifunzionale" complex.

Aule delle Scienze complex

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Polifunzionale complex

Chemistry and microbiology exercises take place in the laboratories of the "Polifunzionale" complex Display classrooms and laboratories

Plesso Polifunzionale

Visualizza le aule e i laboratori

Instructions for finding a hub code and a classroom code

To find a hub  code and a classroom code: open the public area of (no need to log in); click on the relevant hub: the grid displaying the daily bookings of the hub will open; click on 'view hub details' next to the hub name: the list of classrooms in the hub will open. The hub code is listed next to the hub name in round brackets, while the classroom code is listed in the first column on the left (labelled 'Classroom Code').

Pharmacy complex

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