cod. 05560

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Nutrizione e alimentazione animale (AGR/18)
Discipline della zootecnica, allevamento e nutrizione animale
Type of training activity
52 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Diet and nutrition, diet and feed technology

Learning objectives

Acquire knowledge, understanding and skills related to the chemical and nutritional characteristics of feeds and the formulation of diets for animals.
Acquire skills to apply knowledge and understanding in the evaluation and formulation of diets for animals with particular reference to pigs and horses in the different phases of their production cycle
Gaining independence of judgment in the interpretation of pathological conditions related to metabolic dysfunctions.
Acquire communicative skills that will enable to deal clearly and with the appropriate terms the topics that will be submitted.
To acquire a learning ability that will enable a multidisciplinary approach to topics that will be submitted


To support the exam the student must have passed the propaedeutics subjects exams:

Course unit content

The first part of the course is aimed at understanding the differences in the chemical composition of the foods that are used in the formulation of animal diets: Hays, silage, simple foods and their by-products
In the second part we present the systems of evaluation of the nutritional value of foods
In the third part shows the digestive and nutritional characteristics of pigs and horses as well as eating plans to be adopted in the early stages of the production cycle of pigs and horses

Full programme

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- Cevolani D. (2004) -Prontuario degli alimenti per il suino. Edagricole, Bologna.
- Piccioni M. (1989) - Dizionario degli alimenti per il bestiame. Edagricole, Bologna
- McDonald P., Edwards R.A., Greenhlgh J.F.D. (1992) - Nutrizione animale. Ed. Tecniche Nuove, Milano
- National Research Council (2012) Nutrient Requirement of Swine . National Academic Science. Washington D.C.
- Verstegen M.V.A., Moughan P.J., Schrama J.W. (1998) - The lactating sow. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Pluske J.R., Le Dividich J., Verstegen M.W.A. (2003) - Weaning the pig.Wageningen Pers, Wageninge Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

FRAPE D. (2004) - Equine nutrition & feeding. 3rd ed .Blackwell Publishing, Oxford ,UK.

NRC (1989) - Nutrient Requirements of Horses, Fifth Revised Edition ,National Research Council, Washington D.C.

Teaching methods

During the lectures the student will learn to know and understand the differences between nutritional foods, the different nutritional requirements of pigs and horses in relation to the production cycle and how to formulate a ration.
During laboratory exercises students can accomplish independently and practical solutions to problems faced during the lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be oral but may also include written exercises designed to test the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in the solution of practical problems through the formulation of mixed feed or rations and recognition through their chemical composition. The student will demonstrate knowledge of connecting the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired will be evaluated positively (rating scale 0-30)

Other information

The slides used to support the lessons will be uploaded before the beginning of the course on the Elly platform.
To download the slides, you need to enroll in the online course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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