cod. 14531

Academic year 2018/19
3° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

1- Knowledge and understanding:

- acquire knowledge about the chemical and biological evaluation of animal feed.
- to know the organizational and management aspects of feed mills
- Possess the techniques for proper diet formulation.
- show mastery of factors that affect the digestibility and use of foods
- must know the additives and supplements according to need and function criteria.
- Acquire the concepts of food ration and nutritional requirements for different domestic species at various production and reproductive moments.
- to know the laws governing the preparation and trade of all substances of nutritional interest for pets.

2- Applied knowledge and understanding:

- To be able to recognize, within each species of animal interest, the different categories of animals.
- Being able to describe the general characteristics of the breeding and the structures that characterize it.
- Be able to interpret and evaluate data on productivity and productivity efficiency, fertility and reproductive efficiency, nutrition status, and health status in animal husbandry.

3- Judgment autonomy:

- show mastery of factors that affect the digestibility and use of foods
- to carry out an analysis of the various phases of the productive / reproductive cycle of animals of animal interest, highlighting their criticalities mainly on the nutritional level and proposing any corrective action.

4- Communicative Skills:

- Know how to communicate clearly to less experienced and less accredited respondents the correct nutrition and nutrition techniques and how to operate in breeding farms.
- Being able to interact positively with the various professional figures working in the farms.

5- Learning Skills:

- Be able to adapt their own indications to the different production contexts and to the different managerial levels that can be found at farms.
- Being able to properly interpret the results of scientific research on animal nutrition


To support the exam the student must have passed the propaedeutics subjects exams:

Course unit content

The course is broken down into two modules:
- Diet and nutrition, diet and feed technology

The first phase of the course takes into consideration the basic knowledge regulating energy metabolism, protein, vitamin and mineral putting particular emphasis on all the factors that may affect the performance and health status of the animals.
In the second phase are examined aspects of nutritional requirements and techniques of formulating rations for the main farmed species.
The third part assesses the main occupational diseases resulting from dietary errors, incorrect use of animal feed as well as feed additives.

-Diet and nutrition

The first part of the course is aimed at understanding the differences in the chemical composition of the foods that are used in the formulation of animal diets: Hays, silage, simple foods and their by-products
In the second part we present the systems of evaluation of the nutritional value of foods
In the third part shows the digestive and nutritional characteristics of pigs and horses as well as eating plans to be adopted in the early stages of the production cycle of pigs and horses

Full programme

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- AGHINA C. e MALETTO S."Tecnica Mangimistica" Soc. Ed. Esculapio
- ANTONGIOVANNI M., GUALTIERI M.:Nutrizione e Alimentazione Animale, Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l.,Bologna, 1998.
- CAVANI, CASTELLINI, ecc. “Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura” 2008 Point Veterinaire Italie.
- BERTACCHINI F., CAMPANI I.: Manuale di allevamento suino, Edizioni Agricole della Calderini s.r.l., Bologna, 2001.
- BITTANTE G., ANDRIGHETTO I.,RAMANZIN M.: Fondamenti di Zootecnica, Liviana Editrice s.r.l., 1990.
- CASE L.P., CAREY D.P., HIRAKAWA D.A.: "L'alimentazione del cane e del gatto". Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
(1997) Edizione riservata IAMS.
- NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC): Nutrient requirement of domestic animals: n. 1 Poultry (1994), n. 2 Pigs (1998), n. 3 Dairy CattIe (2001), n. 4 Beef Cattle (2000) Nat. Acad. Sci., Washington. D.C. - SUCCI G.: "ZOOTECNICA SPECIALE" Ed. Cittàstudi Edizioni 1995.
- VERSTEGEN M:W:A:, MOUGHAN P.J., SCHRAMA J.W.: The lactating sow, Wageningen Pers,
Wageninge, The Netherlands,1998.

Teaching methods

The module of "Diet and nutrition, diet and feed technology" provides for the holding of lectures by the projections of power point slides and other materials to help engage the student in the different phases of the educational activity. Classroom activities are designed to raise awareness of the current computer applications for animal feed as well as tutorials at farms with the aim of identifying practical solutions to the problems outlined theoretical.

During the lectures of the module "Diet and nutrition" the student will learn to know and understand the differences between nutritional foods, the different nutritional requirements of pigs and horses in relation to the production cycle and how to formulate a ration.
During laboratory exercises students can accomplish independently and practical solutions to problems faced during the lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning evaluation will take place through summative assessment.

Mode and type of test: interview with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, consisting of no. 5 questions. During the course of the test, the knowledge and understanding of the theoretical (Question 1 - Descriptor 1) and applied (Question 2 - Descriptor 2) themes, the ability to analyze hypothetical cases (Question 3 - Descriptor 3) the communication skill (Question 4 - Descriptor 4) and the ability to interpret scientific results (Question 5 - Descriptor 5) will be verified through the presentation of specific questions, pictures, case study and tables of data.

Scale of assessment: the scale of assessment ranges from 0 to 30 cum laude.

Weights and evaluation criteria: Each satisfactory answer has the maximum value of n. 6 points; unanswered or wrong answers have a value of 0; punctuality, completeness, and language ownership in all responses allows the achievement of laude.

Materials useful to support the test: no paper or electronic material is allowed.
Methods for returning test results: The oral result is communicated immediately at the end of the test.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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