cod. 1005920

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Domenico Giuseppe MUSCIANISI
Academic discipline
Glottologia e linguistica (L-LIN/01)
Linguistica, semiotica e didattica delle lingue
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: General Linguistics (Int)

Learning objectives

The course Historical Linguistics mod. B aims at an introduction to the principles of the diachronic evolution of languages and to the concept of linguistic change. The investigation will delineate the comparative and historical method focusing on the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European and the description of the Indo-European family. In the end students will be able with (1) the recognition of the most important linguistic aspects of Proto-Indo-European and the daughter languages, (2) the reconstruction of the most common Proto-Indo-European roots, and (3) the identification of the cultural treats that distinguish the Indo-European languages and peoples.


No specific requirements. A familirisation with the contents of module A on Linguistics might favour a more aware participation to in-class activities.

Course unit content

– Foundations of historical linguistics: language family and genealogical classification.
– Indo-European languages: description, geography, history and sources.
– Proto-Indo-European: foundations of linguistics and reconstruction.
– The linguistic change in phonology, morphology and syntax.
– Indo-European culture: linguistics, archaeology, anthropology, society and religion.

Full programme

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– In-class notes, teaching materials and exercises on Elly2023.
– LURAGHI, Silvia. 2016 [2021]. Introduzione alla linguistica storica. 2ª ed. Roma: Carocci. ISBN 978-88-290-0531-4 + the whole section of exercises.

Further personal readings:
– CAMPANILE, Enrico. 2005. Antichità indoeuropee (pages 9–37). In: Enrico Campanile, Bernard Comrie & Calvert Watkins. Introduzione alla lingua e alla cultura degli Indoeuropei. Bologna: Il Mulino. ISBN 978-88-15-10763-3.
– CARDONA, Giorgio Raimondo. 2006 [3ª ed., 1985]. Introduzione all’etnolinguistica. Torino: Utet. ISBN 978-88-6008-048-6.

Teaching methods

Traditional lecture with in-class and home exercises of analysis and reconstruction. Because the course is both introductory and technical, students are warmly invited to an active participation.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written examination in a single session with Linguistics mod. A: 60 questions (multiple choice) within 70 minutes. The access to the oral part of the examination (2 questions) depends on the written result, that can be reassessed in a range of plus or minus 2 marks, depending on the answers to the oral examination (2 questions):
– less than or equal to 15: no admission.
– marks 16–17: compulsory oral examination.
– equal to or greater than 18: discretionary oral examination.

Other information

Lectures and in-class exercises consist of an occasion for strengthening and self-evaluation of the program. Students who cannot regularly attend lectures can download all the materials from Elly2022 and can autonomously use the textbooks indicated as "further readings" in the bibliography section. Thus, they can take the exam as described in the specific section of this syllabus.

For a complete procedure of access and registering of the exam Linguistica generale (integrato) – 12 CFU, on Esse3 platform, candidates must sign up for both "Scritto – parziale" and "Orale – completamento". Esse3 is just the platform for the bureaucratic procedure, relating to administrative offices, not the instructor/professor. In any case registering out of the deadlines is not allowed.

Candidates must be present both to the morning exam summon (written) and to the afternoon summon (oral). At the latter convocation, candidates can express their intentions relating to the registering of the exam: accepting or rejecting the written exam score without making the oral part otherwise making the oral part and then accepting or rejecting the full score (written+oral). In any case candidates can not accept only the written score and reject only the oral one.