On this page of the university you can find and download all available forms.
The files are downloadable in PDF format (note: the forms are not in sequential order).
PLEASE NOTE: Any certificates requested may not be produced to public administration bodies or private managers of public services, pursuant to Law 183/2011 (Art. 15).
Toll-free number
800 904 084Student registry office
Quality assurance office
Education manager:
Giulietta Di Marco
T. +39 0521 034841
E. office
E. manager
Course President
Guidance delegate
Prof. Giulia De Florio
Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi
Career guidance delegate
Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi
Erasmus delegates
Prof. Micol Beseghi
Prof. Alba Pessini
Prof. Elisabetta Longhi
Prof. Andrea Ragusa
Prof. Olga Perotti
Quality assurance manager
Prof. Enrico Martines
To contact the RAQ fill out the FORM