cod. 1009422

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingue portoghese e brasiliana (L-LIN/09)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to have:
- A greater ability to understand in general, and in particular of oral input
- Greater metacognitive awareness within a multilingual context
- A significant expansion and consolidation of the vocabulary
- Increased listening and reading skills
- A good capacity for long-term memorization of linguistic contents, both phonetically and graphically
- A better ability to reflect on sociolinguistic, translational, and cultural aspects


Portuguese / Level B2-C1

Course unit content

The course will be dedicated to audiovisual translation (AVT), and in particular to subtitling. The first part, more introductory and preparatory, will focus on the definition of the charac-teristics of AVT (in general and in the Lusophone area), through the analysis of already existing subtitles (Intralinguistic, Interlinguistic, Reverse Subtitling) on the basis of a film corpus, with particular attention to processes of linguistic variation and stigmatization. Later, the focus will be restricted to the translation of humor into Portuguese audiovisual texts (PE and PB).
The second part, mainly a seminar, will be dedicated, initially, to subtitling techniques (Spot Subtitling System), and, subsequently, to the active practice of interlinguistic AVT from Portuguese to Italian, through the creation of subtitles for a medium length video (comedy).

Papers not included in the bibliography will be available on the course's Elly page.

Full programme

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- Gian Luigi De Rosa, “Mondi doppiati. Tradurre l’audiovisivo dal portoghese tra variazione linguistica e problematiche traduttive”, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2023 [2ª ed.].

- Elisa Perego, “La traduzione audiovisiva”, Roma, Carocci, 2005.

- Pilar Orero (ed.), “Topics in audiovisual translation”, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2004.

- Risorse multimediali:

Other texts will be indicated during the course.

Teaching methods

- Lecture
- Guided practice

- Exposition of the characteristics of audiovisual translation, taking into consideration dubbing, subtitling and voice-over
- AVT and the Portuguese language (Humor, linguistic variation and stigmatization)

- Analysis of subtitles (Intralinguistic, Interlinguistic, Reverse Subtitling) based on a film corpus

- Subtitling techniques and practices

2. Subtitling practice in seminar form.

Assessment methods and criteria

Verification of knowledge and language skills takes place through a pre-exam written in Portuguese which also includes a translation test based on the topics covered during the course. The knowledge and skills that are intended to be verified in this test are: a competence of the Portuguese language corresponding to level C1 (6 CFU) of the Common European Framework of Reference.
An assessment of insufficiency is determined by the lack, demonstrated by the student during the oral exam, of a knowledge of the minimum contents of the course; the lack of independent preparation and the inability to solve problems related to the retrieval of information and the decoding of texts. A sufficient evaluation (18-23 / 30) is determined by the learning of the minimum and fundamental contents of the course; by a sufficient autonomous preparation, by the ability to solve problems related to the retrieval of information and the decoding of texts with the formulation of autonomous judgments. The average scores (24-27 / 30) are assigned to the student who has a more than sufficient (24-25 / 30) or good (26-27 / 30) level of the indicators listed above. The highest scores (28-30 / 30 and 30/30 cum laude) are assigned based on the demonstration of an excellent to excellent level of the indicators listed above.

Other information

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