cod. 1001753

Academic year 2023/24
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

D1: Knowledge and understanding. the course is aimed at teaching knowledge and understanding of the basics of soft tissue surgery.
D2: applying knowledge and understanding. The student should learn how to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding in the everyday clinical activity for surgical cases.
D3. making judgements.Students must be able to interpret collected data and to choose the appropriate surgical instrumentation and surgical approach to each patient.
D4: Communication skills. Students should be able to communicate information, ideas, solutions and problems to specialists and clients.
D5: Learning skills. Students must have developed the learning skills needed to undertake subsequent studies with high degree of autonomy.


Anantomy, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, chemoterapy/diagnostic imaging, veterinary surgical pathology

Course unit content

Centesis on small animals.
Bandages. Setting of the operating room. Principles of asepsis and antisepsis and proper use of antimicrobials. Basic surgical instruments. Preparation of the surgical field. Preparation of the surgeon. Cutting and suturing soft tissues in small animals. Enterectomy and cistotomy in small animals, bone marrow withdrawal, application of a thoracostomy and esophagostomy tube, bone biopsy. Suture materials, knots and sutures. Drains. Basic reconstructive surgery. Ophalmic examination.
Management and manipulation of horses; clinical examniation of horses with surgical diseases. Anaesthetic blocks in horses.

Full programme

practical lessons in small groups of students during which they learn the suture principles on mannequinis first, then on small animal cadavers, on which they learn to insert a chest drain, an esophageal feeding tube, they learn to perform a bone marrow or bone biopsy. On animals organs, where they perform cystotomy and enterotomy/enterectomy.
On owned dogs and cats students will perform ophtalmology visits; on horses they will perform the clincial examination and lameness examination. Anaesthesiology block on horse legs.


Fossum Theresa Welch: Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali. Masson Editore

Tobias K.M., Johnston S.A. Veterinary Surgery: Small Animal, 2nd ed., 2018

Teaching methods

Practical activities designed to develop the knowledge gained during the theory lectures.

Assessment methods and criteria

The skills gained according to the D1 indicator, and partly oto indicators 2 and 3 will be tested by a practical part during which students have to perform a suture on a fantom, to recognize surgical instruments and prepare the surgical field.

Other information

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