Learning objectives
The Course aims at introducing students to the analysis of Charles Baudelaire's poetic collection "Les Fleurs du Mal", in connection with the context of the second part of the Nineteenth Century French Literature
In particular, at the end of the Course students should be able to:
- know and illustrate the main tendencies of French poetry in relation to Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs du Mal";
- read, translate and analyse from the rethorical, prosodic, thematic and stylistic point of view the lyrics of the "Fleurs du Mal", analysed by the Professor;
- read, translate and analyse in a personal and critical way the lyrics of "Les Fleurs du Mal" by Charles Baudelaire that have not been analysed by the Professor.
To follow fruitfully the Course, which will be taught entirely in French, students should have a B2 in French Language (European Linguistic Framework).
Course unit content
The Course will tackle the study of the poetic collection by Charles Baudelaire "Les Fleurs du Mal", explaining the connexions with the main poetic and literary movements of the Second Half of the XIXth century.
Full programme
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CHARLES BAUDELAIRE, "Les Fleurs du Mal", Paris, Edition de Claude Pichois, Coll. "Folio Classique", 2015;
JEAN-PIERRE BERTRAND, PASCAL DURAND, "Les poètes de la modernité. De Baudelaire à Apollinaire", Paris, Seuil, 2006;
ANTOINE COMPAGNON, "Baudelaire devant l'innombrable", Paris, PUPS - Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, 2018.
MICHEL JARRETY (sous la direction), "La poésie française du Moyen Age au XXème siècle, Paris, PUF, 2017.
Teaching methods
The didactic methods used during the Course will be:
- lessons in praesentia in French;
- use of slides;
- videos and other authentic materials.
In case of on-line didactics, due to the measures for containing Covid-19 spread, the lessons will also comprehend on-line lessons, through the use of Teams and Elly Dusic platforms.
The Teacher will privilege the central relation Teacher/Students, and in the case of on-line didactics, assigning activities to single students and/or groups of students.
The communication between the Teacher and the students will take place through emails and the platforms Teams and Elly Dusic.
Students in possession of BES and DSA Certificates are invited to contact via email the Teacher, in order to agree adequate modes of Examination.
Please, find here below the link to the Guide Lines for the platforms used:
https://elly.(nome dip.).unipr.it
https://elly.(nome dip.).unipr.it
Students in possession of BES and DSA Certificates are invited to contact via email the Teacher, in order to agree adequate modes of Examination.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' acquisitions will be tested through an Oral Examination in French, even on-line on the platform Teams, if necessary, because of the pandemic.
During the Oral Examination, the student are allowed to present only the integral version in French of the text of " Les Fleurs du Mal".
Without the presentation of the integral version of the text of "Les Fleurs du Mal", the Exam could not take place.
At the end of the Course, students should be able to:
- read, translate and explain in French, in a clear, personal and fluent way, the various poetical texts analysed in reference to the different literary tendencies of the Second half of the XIXth Century Literature and to Charles Baudelaire's creative and biographical itinerary;
- recognize the most important rethorical and stylistic figures, in reference to the lyric which is examined;
- explain the main themes of Charles Baudelaire's poetic vision, in reference to the analysed text;
- recognize the main poetic forms and techniques, used by Baudelaire in "Les Fleurs du Mal", in reference to the literary tendecies of the XIXth century French Literature.
In particular, a student demostrating to have acquired in an adequate way, but without a personal vision, the competences indicated, will obtain a mark between 18/30 and 24/30.
A mark between 25/30 and 27/30 will be given to the student that will show to have acquired the competences required, but not in a completely exhaustive way and not in a perfectly fluent French.
A student who will show to have acquired all the competences required and to be able to express them in a critical and personal way in a fluent French will be given a mark between 28/30 and 30/30.
Students in possession of the BES or DSA Certificate have to contact the Teacher in order to agree the modalities of the final Exam.
Other information
Please, find here below the links to the platforms used:
https://elly.(nome dip.).unipr.it
https://elly.(nome dip.).unipr.it
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