Learning objectives
Understanding the management and marketing of a food farm and firm , both with a supply chain and industry perspective and the food consumers’ perception and preferences.
Students will gain skills related to the analysis of case studies (e.g., the analysis of agro-food chain, or geographical indications) using the knowledge acquired during the course.
Course unit content
Develop an integrated system of knowledge capable of introducing students to the study of structural and evolutionary dynamics of the food industry on competitive corporate governance illustrate the general aspects of structure and operation of food businesses and specific analysis of competitive forces.
International Marketing
Full programme
The company: characteristics, purposes and models of representation
Activities, processes and operating systems
The budget model
Accounting tools for economic decisions
The traditional concept of marketing
The concept of market orientation
Market globalization and emerging values
New digital technologies
The formulation of a marketing strategy
Formulate the business strategy: the planning process and the canvas model
autore: Cristina Mora
Teaching methods
Lectures and case study
Assessment methods and criteria
• The final exam will be written and will be composed of:
- 9 multiple choice questions with only one correct answer between three
- 1 year on balance sheet analysis or accounting instruments with results to be identified between three;
- 2 open questions on business cases.
• The knowledge to be evaluated concerns the entire program
The competences that will be evaluated relate to the student's ability to apply the concepts studied to case studies proposed during the exam by the teacher. During the exam, open questions will be offered to the student so that the answers can be extensively discussed.
• The criteria with which the student will be evaluated are: a) ability to elaborate the knowledge transmitted during the course, applying them to the concrete cases proposed by the teacher in the exam questions, b) ability to argue their answers with the use of formulas and schemes, to analyze the proposed case studies from an economic point of view, c) methods of linguistic exposure and use of specific terminology. . Each of the types of questions will be assigned a different score; to obtain the sufficiency the candidate will have to obtain a total score greater than or equal to 18.
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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