Learning objectives
The student, future veterinarian, must:
Know the physiological and pathological modification of maternal organism in relation to the pregnancy, partum, post-partum, breastfeeding. Must know the difference of estrous cycle between different species to perform artificial insemination. Must acquire the technique to obtain semen and to evaluate it.
a) The capacity (ability) to correctly assess pregnancy, partum and dystocia
b) The capacity (ability) perform artificial insemination and evaluation of semen in different animal species (canine, bovine, equine, swine)
c) The capacity (ability) to administer specific drugs appropriated to clinical conditions
The student at the end of the educational program will be able to:
a) Describe and autonomously interpret clinical conditions during physiological and pathological pregnancy to establish the optimal moment to perform artificial insemination and evaluate of semen
b) Collect the anamnesis and put clinical signs in relation to a differential diagnostic trail
c) Formulate autonomously a prognostic opinion on the development of pathology and clinical conditions
The student at the end of the educational program will be able to:
a) Expose clearly, verbally synthetic and exhaustive concepts using appropriate technical terminology physiological and pathological of pregnancy, partum, post-partum, and therapeutic indications
b) Demonstrate the ability to exhibit to a composite auditorium (students, specialist professors) the fundamental knowledge of veterinary obstetric and artificial insemination techniques
The student at the end of the educational program will be able to:
a) Consult and understand independently scientific paper other the textbooks
b) Independently perform a bibliographic consultation
c) To acquire a good familiarity of the subject to comprise the clinical and non-clinical arguments
The practical part of the course aims to enable the student to know and understand the essential elements of etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases in veterinary medicine. In order to improve the ability to use knowledge and understanding gained in identifying the patient's problems related to the condition of animals affected by obstetrical, gynecological and andrological diseases and to realize a therapy plan demonstrating adequate communication skills and ability to learn. Moreover, the course aims to provide the basis to perform the artificial insemination in mare and cattle and the semen collection in the stallion by means of the artificial vagina, to introduce students to the knowledge of the management of breeding farms in several species with independent judgment.
Course unit content
Practical and operative aspects of obstetric veterinary medicine and artificial insemination in domestic animals (practical skill)
Full programme
Pregnancy in farm animals: cow, horse, swine.
Pregnancy in small animal: dog and cat.
Diseases and complications during late gestation: fetal mummification, maceration fetal hydrops of fetal membranes, alterations in placental function.
The delivery in domestic animals
Maternal and fetal dystocia. Assistance (manual, instrumental drug).
Newborn care.
The afterbirth in various species. Cause and treatment in the retention of the placenta.
Control to prevent post-partum utero-ovarian diseases and ensure good recovery of reproductive function in livestock.
Historical notes on gynecology (teriogenology) veterinary and artificial insemination.
Sexuality and reproduction in domestic animals.
Fertility control and management breeding of livestock.
Behavioral aspects in male and female sexuality, control of oestrus and pregnancy and treatment with gonadotropic hormones.
Clinical evaluation of male and female genital tract (clinical, ultrasound, endoscopy, hormone assays).
Techniques of semen collection, evaluation of semen, fresh, chilled, frozen in various species.
Insemination techniques in various species.
Pregnancy in various species: fertilization and development of the products of conception, pregnancy tests (instrumental and laboratory).
Abortion in domestic animal
The role of man in the care of newborn and puerperium in livestock (birth-conception period) and small animals.
Ostetricia JONES E., JOSHUA J.: Reproductive Clinical Problems in the dog. MARUSI A.: Nozioni di ostetricia e ginecologia nella cavalla. Step Ed., Parma. McENTEE K.: Reproductive Pathology of domestic mammals. Academic Press. RICHTER J., GOETZE R.: Ostetricia Veterinaria. Ed. italiana a cura di O. Oliva, Grasso, Bologna. Patologia della riproduzione e F.A. ARTHUR G.H.: Ostetricia e riproduzione degli animali domestici. Ed. italiana di M. Mastronardi e P. Minoia. CHRISTIANSEN LB.J: La riproduzione nel cane e nel gatto. Ed. italiana Ernes ED., 1987. LAWRENCE T.L.J., FLOWER V.R.: Growth of farm animals. Cab Intern Ed., 1997. MARUSI A., FASOLI F., FURLATTINI V.: L'inseminazione strumentale negli uccelli domestici. Grafiche Step Ed. MARUSI A.: Dal Bos primigenius alla Transgenic Cow. Multimedia Ed. MARUSI A.: Note di riproduzione equina. A.P.A. Ed., Parma. PEREZ Y PEREZ: Riproduzione animale: inseminazione artificiale e trapianto embrionale. Piccin Ed. SALI G.: Manuale di teriogenologia bovina. Edagricole.
Teaching methods
The curriculum is organized in theoretical contents (frontal lessons), practical and theoretical sessions with simulations of artificial insemination techniques on bovine, equine and swine viscera; support to the teacher during the diagnosis and therapeutic/clinical activity at the University Veterinary Hospital and practical activities, clinical and surgery training with supervision by professor at Veterinary Hospital. The student receive a digital copy of lessons power point presentations. Teachers and tutor receive students to provide information and support
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination : students will be asked to demonstrate that they have reached a good level of knowledge and understanding in discussing a clinical case. Students must be able to apply their knowledge and comprehension capacities, showing a professional approach to their work. They should have adequate skills in discussing their ideas and in problems' solving. Students must be able to collect and discuss the collected data, in order to develop their own independent judgements.
Student with a specific learning disability (OSA) certified under Law 170/2010, will be given access, at her/his discretion to a reference textbook.
Other information
Exam appeals distributed throughout the academic year according to the online calendar available on the ESSE3 platform
The examination committee consists of at least two teachers
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