cod. 15026

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - Second semester
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua francese (L-LIN/04)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The main objective of this cours is to lead gradually the students to master, on one hand, the theorical elements about translation and, on the other, the main translation techniques, through the lexical enrichment, the identification of the different translation difficulties emerging in the passing from French to Italian and viceversa. Therefore, beside the habit to use monlingual and bilingual dictionary, critical skills and literary sensibility will be developed, as well as translation competences.


Student must possess a B2 Level.

Course unit content

Th course aims at the progressive acquisition of the basical notions about the historical evolution of the concept of translation, as well as of the main theories heading the translation practice.

Full programme

- Introduction to the concept of translation;
- Main theorical approaches to translation;
- Historical evolution of translation theories;
- Elements of translation.


- Michel OUSTINOFF, La traduction, Paris, PUF, 2003;
- Mathieu GUIDERE, Introduction à la traductologie, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 2010;
- Albert CAMUS, Les Justes, Paris, Folio Gallimard, 1950.

Teaching methods

The front lessons will be taught entirely in French. Students will be proposed texts of different nature, in order to be confronted to different linguistic registers (courtly, familiar, current, 'argotique'), as well in French, as in Italian.

Assessment methods and criteria

The testing of the students' linguistic and translation competence will take place through a Written Test, intoductory to the Oral Test. Students who have not obtained at least 18/30 in the Written Test could not stand the Oral Test.
The Written Test will focus on the translation of a literary text from French into Italian and from Italian into French.
The Oral Test will focus on the main translation theories and their evolution, the main translation difficulties that can be met in the passing from French to Italian and viceversa.

Other information

Other bibliographical suggestions will be given during the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giulietta Di Marco
T. +39 0521 034841
E. office
E. manager

Guidance delegate

Prof. Giulia De Florio
Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Micol Beseghi 
Prof. Alba Pessini     
Prof. Elisabetta Longhi
Prof. Andrea Ragusa      
Prof. Olga Perotti

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Enrico Martines
To contact the RAQ fill out the FORM

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