cod. 1005246

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Claudio OLEARI
integrated course unit
11 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course aims to bring students to know and understand in the context of Veterinary Sciences:
4) the statistical indices, the information in a table of data, the distributions of Bernoulli and Gauss;
5) the theoretical foundations of computer basic, vocabulary and main instruments for use competent Informatics;
6) the physical tools preparatory to other topics: chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, biomechanics, radiology.
At the end of the course the student must demonstrate the ability to use knowledge and understanding of the course topics
1) the identification and use of data tables, indexes and statistical distributions of Bernoulli and Gauss;
2) in the resolution of simple computer problems;
3) in dealing with the physical technologies in basic research and in diagnostic practice such as electrophoresis, centrifugation, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasound, optical fibers for endoscopic microscopy, laser, X-ray equipment, etc.


Operations on the set of real numbers, with logarithms, exponential and trigonometric functions.

Course unit content

The integrated course of APPLIED PHYSICS, BASIC MATEMATICS APPLIED to alle BIOMEDICAL SCIENES, INFORMATICICS presents the tools necessary to get into veterinary science. The integration is to define the content that they all be addressed at the optimum level and no one is excluded. The contents are:
STATISTICS: 1) Fundamentals of mathematics and logic. 2) discrete and continuous random variables, statistical models of random variables. 3) Combinatory and probability theory. Distribution of Gauss and Bernoulli.
COMPUTERS: 1) Architecture of the computer and foundations. 2) Operating Systems. 3) Software Applications. 4) The networks and the web. 5) Multimedia '.
PHYSICS: 1) Foundations of mechanics. 2) Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics. 3) Fluid statics and fluid dynamics. 4) Electricity, Magnetism and electrical currents. 5) Waves, acoustics. 6) Radiation and Dosimetry. 7) Optics and Spectroscopy.

Full programme

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D. Scannicchio: FISICA BIOMEDICA. EdiSES. 2009.
Ppt lessons and exercises in classroom.
Teacher’s didactical notes

Teaching methods

Oral lectures in classroom with the use of PPT projection. The lectures deal with the theoretical content and the resolution of significant exercises. The computer course devotes six hours in the classroom use of portable personal computers of students, the purpose of acquiring practical knowledge on the major software applications.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination consists of three written tests. The examination of mathematics (statistics) includes a written test for admission. The examination of computer science consists of 10 questions, of which 4 are free response and 3 are with multiple choices. Obtaining the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) for the corresponding modules in the program allows the student to be exempted from the test.
The examination is intended to determine whether the student knows and understands
5) the statistical indexes and tables of data outputs,
6) the Bernoulli and Gauss distributions with the ability to locate and study them;
7) the theoretical foundations of computer basic, vocabulary and main instruments for use competent Informatics;
8) the elements of physics necessary for other disciplines such as chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, biomechanics, and physical technologies in basic research and in diagnostic practice such as electrophoresis, centrifugation, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasound, optical fibers for endoscopy, microscopy, laser, X-ray equipment, etc..
The final mark of each written test ranges from 0 to 33. Sufficiency is achieved with a score of 18 or higher. The final mark for the integrated course is given by the arithmetic mean of the three votes. If the average score is higher than 30/30 the mark is “cum laude”.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

+39 0521 902604

Quality assurance office

Education Manager:
Giulia Branca

+39 0521 902601
Office mail
Manager mail

President of the degree course

Prof. Roberta Saleri

Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Genchi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Clotilde Silvia Cabassi

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Federico Righi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Simone Taddei


Prof. Alberto Sabbioni