Thesis/Final examination

The degree in Food Science and Technology is obtained by passing the final examination (graduation examination), which consists of the presentation of a topic assigned to the student by the Degree Committee.
This examination involves the development of a text/presentation dealing with the characteristics of a food with a multidisciplinary approach. The examination will allow the student to demonstrate that he/she has acquired the ability to research information and data, organise them, critically evaluate them, synthesise them and be able to present them.
To be admitted to the degree examination, the student must have acquired at least 175 ECTS credits deriving from: a) passing the profit examinations envisaged in the study plan; b) carrying out an internship at a university structure, companies, other public or private bodies or having carried out other equivalent training activities; c) having acquired the language skills (B1) and safety in the workplace

Conduct of the final examination

The manner in which the final examination is conducted and the method of awarding the final mark can be found in Section B of the Regulations for the Conduct of Internship and Equivalent Formative Activities and the Final Examination It is also possible to consult the slides, which describe in detail the manner in which the examination is conducted and provide useful information for the student.
Prior to each graduation session, time details and test procedures are further specified by means of a specific ""notice"" published on this webpage.
The presentation/thesis must be deposited in Esse3, so there is no need to send anything by e-mail to the teaching or student registry office.

Regulations for internships and final examinations First-cycle STA
Attachment 1 - Choice of training activity
Attachment 2 - Certification of suitability for optional courses
Attachment 3 - List of institutions for the issue of certification of language skills
Attachment 4 - Declaration of external tutor fulfilment of obligations
Attachment 5 - Power point presentation model
Attachment 6 - Calculation of weighted average
Attachment 7 - Behavioural standards mod. A44
Request for recognition of professional knowledge and skills for the purpose of Equivalent Educational Activities

Final examination

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Vademecum final examination

In allegato un vademecum contenente alcune importanti precisazioni rivolte a tutti gli studenti che devono redigere la presentazione oggetto della prova finale.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Students registry office

E. [] 

Quality Assurance Manager

Dott.ssa Francesca Benassi

T. +39 0521 902065
E. service 
E. manager


Course President

Prof. Monica Gatti


Faculty advisor

Prof. Tommaso Ganino 

Advising and guidance delegate

Prof. Martina Cirlini -

Alessia Levante - 

Annalisa Ricci - 

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot


Tutor professor 

Prof. Martina Cirlini

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Elena Bancalari

Quality assurance office

Dott. Caterina Scopelliti
Office E.:
Manager E.


Prof. Marcello Alinovi