cod. 14546

Academic year 2014/15
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale (VET/04)
Discipline anatomo-patologiche ed ispettive veterinarie
Type of training activity
112 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowing the legislation on Inspection of Food of animal origin
know the system of control and inspection of foodstuffs
know the role of the veterinarian in the inspection system
able to accomplish a pre-and post-mortem inspection in several species


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Course unit content

The course deals with the following topics:
Italian and European legislation on sanitary and hygienic control of food of animal origin. Structure, organisation and hygienic requirements of slaughterhouses and their equipment. Ante mortem and post mortem inspection: procedures for the various animal species and specific regulations and duties of the official veterinarian. Hygienic measures for the working staff and the working conditions. Meat cutting laboratories: hygienic and structural regulations. Meat transport regulations and controls. Biological and chemical spoilage of fresh and processed meat. Hazards Analysis, Critical Control Points (HACCP) applied to the animal food industries. Codified procedures for official sampling and analysis of foods. Meat-Based Products, Minced Meats and Prepared Meats: specific regulations and controls.
Nutritional value of fish and fish products. Regulations on fishing and fish protection. Identification of the main species of Chondroichthyics, Osteoichthyics, Crustaceans, Mollusca. Hygienic and sanitary controls on fish and fish products. Evaluation of freshness. Main technologies for processing, preservation and packaging of fish products. Analytical measurements of freshness, quality and safety of fish products. Fundamentals of fish farming in fresh, brackish and see waters.

Full programme

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FACCINCANI F., MURARI R. e CHIZZOLINI R.: Controllo sanitario nei centri di macellazione. EDIZ. L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO.
FERRARINI S., MUTINELLI F.: Atlante di patologia ispettiva degli avicoli. EDAGRICOLE
HERENDA D.C. e FRANCO D.A.: Food animal pathology and meat hygiene. MOSBY.
HERENDA D.C. e FRANCO D.A.: Poultry diseases and meat hygiene. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
MANZONI P., CIVERA T. : Igiene e controllo dei prodotti della pesca. CLU
MARCATO P.S.: Patologia animale e ispezione sanitaria delle carni fresche. EDAGRICOLE
MARRIOT N.G.: Principles of food sanitation. AVI
PALESE L., PALESE A.: Il controllo sanitario e qualitativo dei prodotti alimentari della pesca. PICCIN
MALANDRA R., RENON P.: Le principali frodi dei prodotti della pesca. VLU
RENON P.: I prodotti della pesca. REGIONE LOMBARDIA
ROMBOLI B. e MANTOVANI G.: Ispezione e controllo delle derrate alimentari di origine animale. UTET
SCHIAVO A.: Malattie e prevenzione nell'acquacoltura comunitaria. LATERZA
SEBASTIO C.: Igiene e controllo sanitario dei prodotti della pesca. IMPREMARE
TANTILLO M.G.: La produzione igienica della carne. EDAGRICOLE
TIECCO G.: Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale. EDAGRICOLE

Teaching methods


Assessment methods and criteria


Other information

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