cod. 1003857

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The objectives are for the 1st and 2nd Dublin descriptor, for which the students, under the guidance of the veterinarian, increase the capacity to know, understand and apply knowledge relating to the rearing of dairy cattle (formation of groups, milking procedures, assistance to the parities, breeding in different stages of life, evaluation of productions, choice of breeders).
For VET/06: Recognize and diagnose the presence of parasites and parasitic diseases, identify the possible treatment or prevention to be implemented in certain pathological or epidemiological conditions


Frequency of the course on safety at work, given on line at www.unipr.it

Course unit content

The course is composed of two distinct modules (AGR/19 and VET/06).
The first involves a short period that students spend inside a dairy cattle farm, following the veterinarian's activity in the management of dairy cattle farming. There is therefore no predefined program, but the activities are those that arise from time to time.
The second is related to the practical management of parasitic diseases

Full programme

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For AGR/19: None
For VET/06: Taylor M.A. – Coop B. - Wall R. (ed. italiana a cura di Otranto D., Garippa G., Manfredi M.T.) Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. Casa editrice: Emsi Edizione: 2010
Genchi M, Traldi G, Genchi C. Manuale di Parassitologia Veterinaria Copertina flessibile Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Edizione: 2010

Teaching methods

For AGR/19: The achievement of the objectives will be guaranteed by practical activity on the farm under the supervision of the veterinarian. The discussion with a professional of the cases that arise will provide the student with the means to form their own independent judgment (3rd Dublin descriptor) and to better communicate with the different actors in the chain (4th Dublin descriptor).
For VET/06: Seminars with veterinarians, educational visits to farms, kennels, catteries, simulations of case studies and clinical cases.

Assessment methods and criteria

For AGR/19: At the end of the course, the accreditation is subordinated to the presentation of the attendance attestation at the firm (signed by the company tutor and the academic tutor) and a brief report written by the student, which must contain the description of the activities carried out in the farm. Only after the delivery of this documentation will the CFU be assigned.
For VET/06: none

Other information

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