cod. 00088

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Francesco MEZZADRI
Academic discipline
Chimica generale e inorganica (CHIM/03)
Discipline applicate agli studi medico-veterinari
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The student must demonstrate understanding of the foundational concepts of general chemistry and to know how to apply both in the resolution of exercises (stoichiometry, balancing reactions, thermodynamic measurements) and in describing the studied phenomena.
1. Being able to use the scientific language of the topics covered in chemistry. Knowledge of the nomenclature of inorganic compounds will be required (Knowledge and understanding)
2. It is necessary to demonstrate adequate knowledge of the fundamental laws of general chemistry and to know their application in real cases (Knowledge and understanding)
3. Ability to summarize the basic concepts of general chemistry with a proper language in the written test. (Communication skills -communication skills)
4. Be able to formulate crosslinking between the several chapters treated and apply the acquired knowledge to the solution of stoichiometry problems. Demonstrate the understanding of the basics of chemistry by illustrating some of the fundamental laws by proposing some examples (judgment-making judgments)
5. It is required the ability to integrate the teaching material provided by the teacher with textbooks so as to formulate a synthesis and build a knowledge base to address the understanding of subsequent chemistry courses (Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry) learning skills - learning skills)


Basic mathematics: equations, inequalities, logarithms

Course unit content

In the first part, the fundamental laws of general chemistry will be explained, such as the law of conservation of mass. Then the description of atomic structure, further a description of the periodic table element properties and classification according to their properties will be detailed.
The course will focus on the theory of the valence bond with examples and analysis of the nature of the ionic and covalent polar covalent bond.The fundamentals of the nomenclature of inorganic compounds will be provided. Introductory problems of stoichiometry (molar mass, the balance reactions) will be discussed and solved. The main fundamentals of thermodynamics will be presented in detail: state functions, first and second law of thermodynamics, exothermic and endothermic reactions, definition of enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy, spontaneity of a chemical reaction.
Then, the course will present the main features of the gaseous and liquid states of aggregation. For the liquid state it will be introduced the fundamental laws of intermolecular forces and then study the characteristics of the solutions and colligative properties. Afterwards the chapter related to the definition of acids and bases will be address within the theory of Brownsted-Lowry with explanation of concepts such as strong acid and bases, weak acid and bases, buffer solutions. The main concepts of chemical kinetics theory will be introduced. A brief introduction of the electrochemistry theory, reduction potential E°, electrochemical series, Daniel cell, Nernst equation is provided.
Several examples will be illustrated in terms of exercises to exemplify the application of the explained theoretical concepts.

Full programme


P. Atkins, L. Jones, L.Laverman - Fondamenti di chimica generale – Ed. Zanichelli
R. Chang, K. Goldsby - Fondamenti di chimica generale – Ed. McGraw-Hill Education
N. J. Tro - Introduzione alla chimica. Edizione mylab - Ed. Pearsonby Pearson, 2018

Teaching methods

The lessons will be held in attendance with projection of summary slides of the contents covered in the course. Interaction with students (even if connected remotely) will be encouraged to:
- check the acquired knowledge and one's degree of understanding of the proposed topics;
- verify the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and understanding to the proposed problems;
Each lesson is videotaped and uploaded to the Elly portal of the course together with the relevant slides.
The student is then required to resume and understand the contents conveyed during the lectures with the help of a textbook (chosen from those recommended), and to apply them independently through the execution of the exercises proposed in class and those present in the textbook.
The teacher is available for clarification on the topics covered in class and on the exercises performed individually by appointment (agreed by e-mail) remotely via Teams or during office hours.
Each lesson will be videotaped and uploaded to the Elly portal of the course together with the slides used during the lectures, as well as a large number of exercises and written tests proposed in previous academic years to be used for practical purposes.
The supplementary educational material (slides) is not to be considered a substitute for the use of a textbook to be chosen from those recommended.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation procedure will be carried out with a written test that includes ten questions including theoretical and practical exercises. Each question will be ranked for a maximum of three points. After passing the written test an oral examination focused on the issues raised in the written test will follow.

Other information

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