Learning objectives
The module “Veterinary Anatomy II” is part of the course “Veterinary Anatomy”.
The primary aim of the module is to give to the students the required knowledge regarding organogenesis and microscopic anatomy of different apparats, systems and organs of veterinary animal species. The ultimate aim for the students is to gain solid basic knowledge necessary for the continuation of the educational process towards the profession of veterinary medicine.
Precisely the students need to be able to:
1. Know the structure of apparats, systems and organs, understand and critically correlate their interactions in the organization of the animal body. Be able to understand and use the scientific terminology of the area (knowledge and understanding)
2. Be able to use the acquired knowledge in recognizing different organs using optical microscopes and understanding of the different levels of structural organization (applying knowledge and understanding)
3. The students at the end of the lessons need to demonstrate the comprehension of the different topics introduced during the lectures and plenaries, and the ability to correlate the different structural levels. In particular, they need to be able to integrate and handle the acquired knowledge in multidisciplinary areas (making judgments skills)
4. The students need to demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly the knowledge acquired using adequate language (communication)
5. The students need to demonstrate the ability to correlate, integrate and handle the gained knowledge in multidisciplinary areas. Additionally, they need to demonstrate to have developed abilities that make them autonomous in the handling of their knowledge (learning skills)
The course of General Embryology and Histology are compulsory.
Course unit content
Course: Veterinary Anatomy 2 (4CFU – 64 hours)
During the course, the following topics will be addressed: Organogenesis and Microscopic Anatomy of Systems and Apparatuses. Locomotor apparatus. Digestive apparatus. Respiratory apparatus. Urogenital apparatus: Urinary organs, male and female genital organs. Integumentary system. Endocrine system. Cardiovascular and lymphovascular system. Nervous system. Sensory nervous system.
Full programme
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The students, in addition to the reference texts listed below, by signing in the course website, using ID and password, are going to have:
• The course contents detailed,
• Outlines to take on the practical activities,
However, at the anatomical veterinary Museum "A. Lemoigne", there are six computers available where histological digitalized slides are uploaded.
In case of persistence of the health emergency, further material relating to the lessons will be uploaded to minimize the impact of a possible suspension of teaching activities in presence.
-Anatomy Textbooks:
Reference text:
KONIGH H.E., LIEBICH H.G.: Anatomia dei mammiferi domestici. Piccin, Padova, VI Edizione 2017.
Other texts:
BARONE R.: Anatomia comparata dei mammiferi domestici, Voll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/1, 5/2, 6 and 7, Edagricole, Bologna, 2003-2012.
DYCE K.M., SACK W.O., WENSING C.J:G: Testo Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria, Delfino Editore Roma, IV Edizione 2016.
-Anatomy Atlases:
BUDRAS K.D., McCARTY P.H., FRICKE W., RICHTER R.: Anatomy of the dog, Ed. Schlutersche 2002.
BUDRAS K.D., Sack W-O., ROCK S.: Anatomy of the horse, Ed. Schlutersche 2001.
POPESKO P.: Atlante di Anatomia topografica degli animali domestici, Ed. Grasso, Bologna, 1997.
-Microscopic Anatomy Textbooks:
Reference text:
LIEBICH H.G.: Istologia e anatomia microscopica dei Mammiferi Domestici e degli Uccelli. Edizioni Piccin 2012.
Other texts:
DELLMAN H.D., EURELL J.A.: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria, Ed. Grasso, Bologna, 2005.
ROSS M.H. PAWLINA W. Istologia con elementi di biologia cellulare e molecolare. Edizioni Ambrosiana 2016.
Atlases of Microscopic Anatomy:
Reference text:
BACHA W.J., WOOD L.M.: Atlante a colori di Istologia Veterinaria, Delfino Editore, Roma, 1997.
Other texts:
MESCHER A.L.: JUNQUEIRA Istologia Testo e Atlante. Edizioni Piccin 2020.
FAMILIARI G., et al.: Anatomia microscopica - Atlante di microscopia ottica ed elettronica fondato da Pietro Motta, Piccin 2016.
Embryology textbook:
Reference text:
PELAGALLI G.V., et al.: Embriologia Morfogenesi e Anomalie dello Sviluppo, Idelson-Gnocchi Editore, Napoli, 2009.
Other texts:
DE FELICI M.: Embriologia Umana – Morfogenesi Processi molecolari Aspetti clinici. Edizioni Piccin 2020.
Teaching methods
Course is taught in the presence of lectures. Only in the case of particular national health contingencies, the lessons will take place in mixed mode or only remotely (frontal lessons for students in the presence and simultaneously live on the electronic platform of the university, for remote students, or, in remote mode only) through the use of IT platform.
The course is divided in theoretical and practical lectures held in the in the halls of department.
At the beginning of each lecture, an interactive discussion between the professor and the students will take place, with the aim to verify the acquired knowledge during the previous lectures.
The theoretical-practical activities are carried out through the use of histological slides/images, museum preparations, films, software with Microscopic Anatomy programs. The theoretical-practical activities follow the topics of the lectures in a way that the students firstly get to know the basic notions; the students are guided by working sheets given previously to them via the website of the course (password needed for the access).
Assessment methods and criteria
The assesment of the achievement of the defined aims, is verified by one unique exam that covers also the module of Veterinary Anatomy I.
The exam involves in a first test/question where the student must identify the organ present in a histological slide and indicate its useful characteristics for the purpose of diagnosis. This part of the examination may be carried out, at the discretion of the Exam Commission, on the basis of technical and health problems that may occur during the course, either under an optical microscope or through a video image.
In the following part the student need to answer to 4 questions, regarding the aspects of Organogenesis, Microscopic Anatomy and Macroscopic Anatomy, randomly identified by the computer and divided into the following groups:
1 question regarding Osteology, Arthrology and Miology;
1 question regarding Splancnology;
1 question regarding the Nervous system and (sensory nervous organs);
1 question regarding Angiology and Integumentary system.
The purpose of the exam is to verify if the student has reached the following aims: knowledge and understanding of the topics; ability to applicate the acquired knowledge, to communicate it and use it properly in an autonomous manner.
The result of the exam is related to a global evaluation of the answers given by the student, on 5 different proposed topics; the evaluation for each topic is expressed in tenths. Even one only severely insufficient answer (inferior of 4 out of 10), makes the exam not valid. The final vote, result of the mean of the five evaluations, is expressed in a 30-point scale.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide http://selma.unipr.it/).
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes).
Other information
The theoretical and practical activities will be carried out by means power point presentation, anatomic macroscopical and microscopical preparations. We would like to highlight that all the teaching materials showed and used, could not be given to the students in line with the active copyright normative.
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