cod. 15035

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Slavistica (L-LIN/21)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course intends to provide the students with:
• a solid training and proficiency in written and spoken Russian language level B1++
During the course the student learns:
• to apply their knowledge autonomously and independently in the field of daily communication but also to manage complex and professionally qualified objectives.
• to deepen the study of the fundamental morphosyntactic structures of the Russian language.
• to broaden one's ability to understand the written text, by examining texts of different style registers
• to acquire a good translation skills into Russian and Italian languages
• to widen the study of vocabulary, with particular reference to combinations and semantic collocations.


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Course unit content

• deepening simple and complex syntax of the period; analysis of specific grammatical topics : review of time; pronouns (negative , indefinite) , verbs (verbs of motion, temporal category: gerunds, participles , analysis of the aspectual category) ;
• translation of texts of various types of communication. Contrastive analysis of the problems of translation from Russian into Italian and vice versa;
• enrichment of vocabulary and cultural studies (stranovedenie, kulturologija).

Full programme

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Anikina M. N., Sintaksis slozhnopodchinennogo predlozhenija, Russkij jazyk, Moskva 2000
Belikova L. G., T.A. Šutova, Erofeeeva I.N., Russkij jazyk, Pervye šagi, Zlatoust, Spb. 2017
Cadorin E.- Kukushkina I., Verbo e sintassi russa in pratica, Hoepli, Milano 2007
Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja Ju., Sintassi russa. Teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2005
Esmantova T., Russkij Jayzk, 5 elementov, Zlatoust, Spb. 2011
Glazunova I., Grammatika russkogo jazyka v uprazhnenijakh. Sintaksis, Zlatoust, Spb. 2010
Ivanova I. S., Karamysheva L. M. et alii, Sintaksis, Zlatoust, Spb. 2009
Laskareva E. R., Čistaja grammatica, Zlatoust, Spb. 2006
Nikitina N., Esercizi di lingua russa, Hoepli, Milano 2013
Skvorcova G. L., Glagoly dviženija bez ošibok, Russkij Jazyk, M. 2004.

Teaching methods

Lectures and practical exercises in the classroom. The course also includes a self-learning course and a language laboratory with materials selected by the Russian teacher. The course will be accompanied by exercises held by collaborators and linguistic experts of annual duration.
• Students who do not attend classes (especially if they are Russian) should contact the teacher.

Assessment methods and criteria

The written test is preparatory to the oral exam:
The written test includes:
- grammar test (dictionary not allowed)
- audio test
- translation (from russian into italian).
The oral exam involves the reading, translation, summary and lexical-grammatical commentary of texts in order to verify the student's theoretical knowledge, as well as conversation on readings and topics covered during the lessons. For the comprehension test the teacher can use both material used during the course and that prepared independently by the student.The insufficient evaluation is determined by the lack of knowledge of the minimum contents of the course, by the inability to express themselves in a Russian corresponding to the B1 ++ level; A sufficient evaluation (18-23 / 30) is determined by the student's demonstration of having learned the fundamental contents of the course; the ability to express oneself in a Russian about a topic presenting some characteristics of the B1 ++ level; from a sufficient level for an autonomous preparation, the ability to solve problems related to the retrieval of information and to the decoding of complex texts, as well as the formulation of independent judgments. The average scores (24-27 / 30) are awarded to the student who proves to have a level that is more than sufficient (24-25 / 30) or good (26-27 / 30) of the above evaluation indicators. The highest scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 and honors) are awarded on an excellent level of the above evaluation indicators.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

Reduce inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Acting for the climate


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giulietta Di Marco
T. +39 0521 034841
E. office
E. manager

Guidance delegate

Prof. Giulia De Florio
Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Nicoletta Cabassi


Erasmus delegates

Prof. Micol Beseghi 
Prof. Alba Pessini     
Prof. Elisabetta Longhi
Prof. Andrea Ragusa      
Prof. Olga Perotti

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Enrico Martines
To contact the RAQ fill out the FORM

Student Tutor

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