cod. 15021

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Letteratura spagnola (L-LIN/05)
Letterature straniere
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the student with in-depth knowledge of the history of Spanish literature of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, making it possible to understand literary phenomena, deepen the study of the authors and analyze the texts studied during the course. Particularly, the student learns to:

-know the main authors, works, movements of Spanish literature in the studied period;

-understand and analyze poetry, drama and narrative (in the original language);

-find, understand and re-elaborate autonomously about the issued mentioned, using the bibliography;

-express and discuss in Spanish contents and analysis, and make judgements on the issues studied, using an appropriate linguistic register and the specific vocabulary of literary studies (level B2);

-apply the skills developed in the course to the literary texts autonomously studied.


Good knowledge of written and oral Spanish. Ability to analyze literary texts.

Course unit content

The course is dedicated to XVIth and XVIIth centuries drama. After introducing the development of Spanish theatre during the Siglos de oro, Lope’s production will be presented through the analysis of one of his most important dramatic works. The program will be completed with the study of some critical essays and a Spanish literature textbook.

Full programme

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a) Letture

Lope de Vega, Fuente Ovejuna, Madrid, Catedra, 2007 (1° ed.)

b) Storia della letteratura:
M. D. García Sánchez, La Spagna letteraria. La poesia dei Secoli d’Oro, Roma, Carocci, 2005 (solo la Parte Prima, pp. 9-92)
More references will be provided during the course.

Teaching methods

The lectures, in Spanish, will present the historic and cultural context, the authors and the selected works, and will guide the student in the use of the bibliography, which will be deepened through individual study; the lectures will also present the Spanish texts, that will be read and analyzed by the professor, stimulating at the same time the intervention of the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation of knowledge and skills is achieved through a written and an oral test and Spanish. The knowledge and skills verified through the test are:

- the knowledge of the historical and cultural context, of literary phenomena, authors and texts of the period taken into consideration, including through an individual study and autonomous re-elaboration of contents;
- the skill of reading, understanding and analyzing the literary texts presented during the course;
- a good written and oral competence in Italian language, above all related to language and register appropriate to the exposition of literary contents.

The written and oral tests are intended to evaluate the acquisition of the knowledge and competence required, the ability to process them and use them independently, and the ability to apply them to text analysis.
Therefore, an evaluation of failure is determined by a lack of knowledge of the minimum requirements established by the course and of the ability to re-elaborate them independently, by the lack of understanding and analysis of the texts studied and adequate writtten and oral competence in Italian and Spanish. A sufficient evaluation (18-23/30) is determined by the acquisition of the minimum requirements established by the course, by the demonstration of a sufficient capacity for autonomous re-elaboration and understanding and analysis of the texts, and sufficient written and oral competence in Italian and Spanish. An average evaluation (24-27/30) is determined by the achievement of a more than sufficient (24-25/30) or good (26-27/30) level of the indicators above. A high evaluation (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) is determined by the achievement of a very good to excellent level of the same evaluation indicators.

Other information

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