Learning objectives
The Course has the following educational objectives:
- competence of the main phases of Libanese history;
- kwoledge of some authors, representative of the contemporary literary panorama;
- capacity to analyse the text, in relation with the main mouvements of Libanese literature in French.
Having a linguistic competence in French, compared to the B1/B2 level.
Course unit content
The Course aims at introducing students into Libanese Literature in French, through the study and the textual analysis of some contemporary novels that are particularly meaningful and interesting.
Full programme
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- ANDREE CHEDID,L'Enfant multiple, Paris, Flammarion, 1989;
- CHARIF MAJDALANI, Villa des femmes, Paris, Seuil, 2015;
- YASMINE KHLAT, Cet amour, Tunis, Editions Elyzad, 2020;
- WAJDI MOUAWAD, Anima, Paris, Actes Sud, 2012.
On Libanese history, see:
XAVIER BARON, Histoire du Liban. Des origines à nos jours, Paris, Tallandier, 2019.
RAMY ZEIN, "Dictionnaire de la littérature libanaise de langue française", Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998.
SIMONETTA VALENTI, Rencontre. Le nouvel humanisme de Wajdi Mouawad, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2019.
Teaching methods
Lessons, taught with authentic documents and new technologies.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' competences will be verified through an oral examination, which will implicates the evaluation of the following competences:
-knowledge of the main contents of the works examined, particularly in relation to the theme of war (themes, motives, rhetorical figures, images and symbols, meanings of the study of the spacial and temporal of texts;
- knowledge of the main lines of Libanese history, in relation to the works analysed;
- knoledge of the authors and of their itinerary.
A sufficient note (between 18/30 and 23/30) will be attributed to students having demonstrated to be able to read in a correct French, translate in a correct Italian, and analyse any passage chosen by the Teacher among the novels presented in the Course.
A note between 24/30 and 27/30 will be given to students who will demonstrate to have a good knowledge of the differents contents of the Course (reading, translating and analyzing any text chosen by the Professor), expressed in a fluent and correct French, as well in a personal and critical way.
Students who will demonstrate to possess a complete knowledge of every contents of the Course, expressed in a personal and critical way and without any error from the phonetic and the expressive point of view, will obtain a note between 28/30 and 30/30.
Other information
The novels, the slides and videos, as well as the material given by the Teacher during her Course, or being researched during it, are part of the Programme and will be asked during the oral examination.
Students who will be present at the Oral Examination in French without the entire text of every novel in French and without the material assigned and available on Elly.Dusic website, will not be admissed to the Exam.