cod. 1006228

Academic year 2019/20
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia degli animali domestici (VET/01)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The primary purpose of the course of Anatomical Structures of Primary Animal Origin Products is to transfer to students knowledge in the field of the transformation of the muscle in meat products, both for the fresh and weathered consumption, as in the case of Pig. Another important purpose it is to study in detail the morphology of the bovine udder to understand the structural elements that are the based milk production. Another goal is to study the morphostructure of the ovary and oviduct of laying hen so that the student understands the phenomena that lead to the formation egg.
he students must acquire the autonomous judgment regarding their knowledge, the capacity to learn the topics and to know how to transmit them adequately.
D.1-KNOWLEDGE AND COMPRHENSION CAPACITY: at the end of the training activity the student must demonstrate to have accurate knowledge of applied anatomy, about specific organs objet of the teaching.
D2-CAPACITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION: at the end of the training activity the student will have to prove that he is able to transfer the knowledge of the quality of meat and cheese.
D3-AUTONOMY OF JUDGMENT: At the end of the training activity the student will be able to evaluate the processes leading to meat quality.
D4-COMMUNICATION SKILLS: at the end of the training activity the student will have to demonstrate that he is able to express himself clearly with appropriate terms in the description of organs such muscle, breast and oviduct.
D5-LEARNING CAPACITY: At the end of the training activity, the student will be able to independently learn concepts of anatomy and apply them to the transformation of animal foods


In order to better follow the course of the Anatomical Anatomical Structures of Primary Animal Origin Products is essential to have good knowledges of Normal Veterinary Anatomy.

Course unit content

The course of the Anatomical Structures of Primary Animal Origin Products studies some chapters of Anatomy which are the basis of main products of animal origin. The first part of course is dedicated to the muscle of which are described: structural characteristics such as muscle fiber type, presence and type of connective tissue and adipose tissue; anatomical basis of meat cuts of various species, particularly ruminants and pigs. The second part of the course is dedicated to: morphology and structure of the bovine udder, with particular attention to the udder of bovine with high milk production; morphology and structure of the ovary and oviduct of laying hen; morphology of the main seafood products.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

The course of the Anatomical Structures of Primary Animal Origin includes theoretical and practical lessons. During the hours of practical teaching, the student has: cadavers and parts of animal cadavers on which recognize the various meat cuts; cadavers and organs of laying hens; cadavers of fish of various species. For the student are also available the anatomical specimens of the Veterinary Anatomical Museum. There are also educational visits at laboratories of meat processing.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be oral; no tests will be in progress. The student must demonstrate a good knowledges about the types of muscle fibers, the anatomical basis of meat cuts, the morphological structure of the bovine udder and genitals of laying hens. The student must also demonstrate basic knowledges of the morphology of main fish products. The aim of the exam is to evaluate if the student has gained the required knowledge, understood the topics and has the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge.

Other information

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