cod. 15027

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Annual
Simonetta Anna VALENTI
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua francese (L-LIN/04)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Among its pedagogical purposes, the Course has the formation of the students' literary translation competences from French into Italian and the acquisition of the main theorical notions about literary translation, of which Claudel's "Conoscenza dell'Est" offers a good example.


French at a B2 or C1 level.

Course unit content

The Course focuses on the main theorical principles and on their application of the most important translation theories, insisting particularly on the literary translation.

Full programme

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- Christine LOMBEZ, La seconde profondeur. La traduction poétique et les poètes traducteurs en Europe au XXème siècle, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016;
- Paul RICOEUR, Sur la traduction, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2016;
- Henri MESCHONNIC, Ethique et politique du traduire, Paris, Verdier, 2007;
- Jonathan BAILLEHACHE, Le désir de traduire. Penser la traduction selon Antoine Berman, Chateaubriand, Pound et Roubaud, Rennes, PU Rennes, 2021;
- Paul CLAUDEL, Conoscenza dell'Est, Traduzione, note e saggio introduttivo a cura di Simonetta VALENTI, Torino, L'Harmattan Italia, 2021.

Teaching methods

The Course, that will be taught in French, will develop in parallel:
- illustration of the main translation theories and problems, concerning literary translation;
- application of these translation theories to the translation practice of texts by different French authors', translated into Italian;
- analysis and commentary of "Conoscenza dell'Est", as an example of poetic translation.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students' competences will be verified through a Written Examination, including the following tests:
- translation from French into Italian of a literary text;
- intralinguistic synthesis of a French text;
- Grammar and lexical test.
A sufficient note (between 18/30 and 23/30) will be given to students demonstrating in the Written Exam a correct linguistic and translation competence from the point of view of grammar, syntax and lexicon, but not yet adequate;
a good note (between 24/30 and 27/30) will be attrinbuted to students showing a good translation and linguistic competence, but still presenting some linguistic and translation problematics not yet solved;
a note between 28/30 and 30/30 will be given to students that will demonstrate a very good linguistic and translation competence, respectful of morphosyntactical, lexical, sylistic and semantic aspects of the original text.
The sufficient Written Examination will be followed by an Oral Examination and the final note will be given by the weighted average of the two Examinations.
The Oral Examination will focus on the verification of the following competences:
- knowledge of the main contents of the works analysed during the Course and inserted in Bibliography, referring to the translation theories and problematics illustrated during the Course;
- knowledge of the text of "Connaissance de l'Est";
- knowledge of the main theories and problems concerning literay translation, illustrated during the Course.

Students that will be present at the Oral Exam without the text (complete version) of "Conoscenza dell'Est" in Italian, and the different texts of translation studies indicated in the Bibliography and the material given by the Teacher during her Course and charged on Elly.Dusic COULD NOT PASS THE EXAMINATION. The material is essential to the Oral Examination.

Other information

More information will be given during the Course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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