cod. 1001709

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Fisiologia veterinaria (VET/02)
Discipline della struttura e funzione degli organismi animali
Type of training activity
56 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the general principles of the organization of physiological functions, integrating knowledge acquired in previous courses.
Examples of integration of regulatory processes will be also provided.
The student will have to acquire the basic principles of ethology and gain insight on the applications in Veterinary Medicine, expecially as regards to animal behaviors and animal welfare.
Learning outcomes:

.Knowledge and understanding. The student will gain knowledge of the main principles of cellular and general veterinary physiology, functions of the organs and systems in domestic animals, taking also into account comparative aspects. The understanding of integration odf the varous functions will also be necessary.
.Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will gain capacity to use knowledge in order to identify and evaluate experimental data and descriptive graphs of functional characteristics of organisms.
.Making judgements. The student will acquire ability to understand and critically and independently discuss data and different research topics.
Communication. The student should be able to correctly use specialized terminology during his speech and should gain capacity to analyze logically and sequentially cause/effect sequences of physiological processes


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Course unit content

Skeletal muscle
-Structure of skeletal muscle cells
-The contraction mechanism
- Mechanical properties
-Energy metabolism
Smooth muscle
- structure of smooth muscle cells
- The contraction mechanism
The cardiovascular system
-Major aspects
-The heart
. structure and function of the myocardium
. the conduction system
. the cardiac cycle and heart sounds
. regulation of cardiac output
. ventricular volumes
. arterial pressure and stroke volume
- Blood vessels
.physical laws governing fluid flow in tubes
. pressure, flow and vascular resistance
.regulation of arteriolar diameter
.the capillaries
.the veins
.regulation of arterial pressure

The respiratory system
-Major aspects
- The airways
- The alveoli
- Ventilation mechanics
- Gas exchange in the lungs and tissues
- Oxygen transport in blood
- C02 transport in blood
- Regulation of respiration
- Regulation of respiration during exercise

Full programme

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-"Fisiologia degli animali domestici",Sjaastad, Sand, Hove, Edizione italiana,Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
-"Manuale di Fisiologia Veterinaria",Cunningham, Antonio Delfino Editore.
-"Fisiologia medica", Guyton and Hall, Piccin, Padova.
-"Fisiologia degli animali-dai geni agli organismi", Sherwood, Andorf, Yancey, Zanichelli..

Teaching methods

Course topics will be addressed in lectures. In addition, practical training, seminars and educational visits will be proposed to integrate teorical lectures. All course material will be made available to students.

Assessment methods and criteria

The acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the issues covered by the course will be tested by means of an oral examination of about 40 minutes which will be structured in 3 questions . During the exam, the student must also demonstratates the ability to make connections among
the various topics proposed.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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