Learning objectives
Learning outcomes of the course will be the acquisition of a language formally correct regarding the course program in relation to the concept of food quality and quality control.
Increase of the ability to express the content related to the steps of the food processes in a clear and straightforward manner, the ability of connections between the different parts of the course and between processes and operations of the food industry.
In addition, the student will gain expertise in the field of wine, pasta and vegetable products technology in order to show capacity to solve technological problems related to processes and products in these topics.
Basic knowledge on unit operations, food chemistry and food microbiology are strictly requested.
Course unit content
Fruit and vegetable processed products. Grain milling and pasta technology. Food packaging - Wine making techniques. Haccp rules and applications. Cleaning and sanitation of processing lines. Waste recycling in the food industries.
Full programme
Fruit and vegetable processed products. Blanching and thermal treatments. Grain milling and pasta technology. Drying of foods. Food packaging and related technical meterials (paper, glass, plastics and metal cans. Polymer permeability and technical data. Wine making techniques. Haccp rules and applications. Cleaning and sanitation of processing lines. Waste recycling in the food industries.
Slides and technical documents in pdf format, given by the teacher, availbale on Elly platform from the beginning of each academic year.
Teaching methods
Class lessons, simulations, guided tours and seminars. Lessons will be organized face-to-face with the possibility of using the lessons also remotely in synchronous (via Teams) and asynchronous mode (uploaded on the Elly page of the course). The teaching will be carried out through lectures in the classroom with the help of slides that will represent teaching material.
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam is in written form given by the student and consists of 4 open questions on the different subjects taught during the class course. Each question has 30/30 max points and the final score is the average value among the 4 related questions. From the answers given by the student, the teacher tests his/her ability to understand the different steps of food processing and the connections between these various steps. From responses the teacher will assess the understanding of the principles of food technology and quality management applied to processes and products covered in the course.
The teacher will assess the degree of understanding of the subject by the completeness of the responses and the ability of the student to establish connections between the various topics giving a score commensurate with the expressed understanding and capabilities that will be the score achieved for the overcoming of the module. The final score of the course will be the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two modules.
Other information
Along the period of class lessons, several seminars are normally presented. There will be persons of the industrial food sector or researchers working in the field of food and process innovation.
In the event of sanitary emergency, class lessons could undergo changes that will be communicated to students on Elly platform and/or on the web site of the course.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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