cod. 00034

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Anatomia degli animali domestici (VET/01)
Discipline della struttura e funzione degli organismi animali
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main goal of the course is to give the students practical knowledge of Anatomy useful for confronting the clinical and inspective subjects. During the course the limits, relations and stratigraphy of the various regions of the animal body will be examined, as will the intercurrent relations between the organs located within the cavities, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic system with relevant drainage territory. After the theoretical lessons the concepts of Regional Anatomy and Visceral topography will be put into practice. During practical activity animals or their parts will be available to the students in order to analyse the body regions and to undertake guided dissection.
The main goal of the course is to give the students practical knowledge of Anatomy useful for confronting the clinical and inspective subjects. During the course the limits, relations and stratigraphy of the various regions of the animal body will be examined, as will the intercurrent relations between the organs located within the cavities, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic system with relevant drainage territory. After the theoretical lessons the concepts of Regional Anatomy and Visceral topography will be put into practice. During practical activity animals or their parts will be available to the students in order to analyse the body regions and to undertake guided dissection.

The final aim of the course is to make transparent the animal, so the bistoury and the modern diagnostic instruments could proceed safetly among the different anatomical structures.

1-KNOWLEDGE AND COMPRHENSION: at the end of the training activity the student must demonstrate to have known the limits, relations, layering of the regions of the animal body, the intercurrent relations between the organs located within the cavities, the topography of blood vessels, and nerves.
D2-CAPACITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION: at the end of the training activity the student will have to prove that he is able to project all deep structures on the body surface as if the surface of the animal body was transparent.
D3-AUTONOMY OF JUDGEMENT: At the end of the training activity the student will be able to evaluate the ideal site in which to carry out clinical or inspective examinations on the animal body.
D4-COMMUNICATION SKILLS: at the end of the training activity the student will have to demonstrate that he is able to express himself clearly with appropriate terms in the description of body regions and visceral topography.
D5-LEARNING CAPACITY: At the end of the training activity, the student will be able to understand and interpret scientific articles via critical reading in order to
independently learn topographical and visceral projection concepts based on new scientific knowledge regarding medical, surgical and inspective methodologies useful for their furthering education.


The passing of Normal Veterinary Anatomy is a compulsory prerequisite.

Course unit content

In the first part of the course will presented the Regional Anatomy, namely the body regions of the domestic mammals, these of carnivora, herbivores and pigs. The regions will be studied considering: limits, relations, layer relations, vascularization and innervation.
In the second part of the course, will presented the topography of various organs from a digestive, respiratory, urogenital apparatus, circulatory and nervous systems. Basic of functional neuroanatomy of SNC and SNP.
The topography, the relations with other organs and the superficial projection on the animal body will be studied.
In the third part of the course basic knowledge on bird, fish, mollusc and crustacean anatomy will be imparted.

Full programme

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The study resources are made up of recommended books and other resources which are available to the students via the student portal.
The recommended text are:
Merighi A.: "Anatomia applicata e Topografia
regionale veterinaria".
Ed. Piccin

Barone R., “Anatomia comparata dei Mammiferi domestici”, voll. I-VI, Edagricole.

Konig, Liebich, “Anatomia dei mammiferi domestici” Ed. PICCIN

Done, Baines, Goody, Evans, Stickland
“Atlante di anatomia del cane e del gatto” Ed Elsevier-Masson.

Gil J., Gimeno M., Laborda J., Nuviala J.,
Budras K.D., “Anatomia del cane – Protocolli di dissezione” Ed. PICCIN.

Burdas, McCarthy, Fricke, Richter,Horowitz, Berg “Anatomy of the Dog: An Illustrated Text”, Fifth Edition Ed. Schlutersche.
Available only in the library:
Popesko P., “Atlante di Anatomia Topografica degli Animali Domestici", Ed. Grasso & Edimediche.

Ed. Masson
Done S.H.: "Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria" Ed. Utet

Teaching methods

The course is divided in theory (60 hours) and practical (20 hours) lessons.
During the practical activities the students will work autonomously, split in to small groups, in order to undertake guided dissection, led by the lecturer.
During the practical activities the students have cadavers of carnivora, ruminant, pig, hens and equine foetus at their disposition.
The student will also have parts, such as hands and feet from various species.
The aims of practical activities are:
evaluating the morphology and the limits of the superficial regions;
undertaking a dissection of the different regions to evaluate their stratigraphy;
bringing in evidence the vascularization and innervation of limbs;
highlight the projection areas of different organs on the body surface;
to opening of the different body cavities to evaluate in situ the topography of different organs.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination of expected learning outcomes will be an oral final exam.
The objective of the exam is to ascertain whether the student has reached the afromentioned learning objectives, has understand the course content, has gained the capacity to apply what they have learned theoretically, can communicate what they have learned and can use their learnings autonomously. To evaluate the student preparation, the use of 3D anatomy software or anatomical preparation from the Anatomy Museum could be used during the exam. The student will be required to answer three subsequent questions on the following subject:
1) Regional Anatomy: limits, relation and stratigraphy
2) Visceral Topography: topography of organs within the splanchnic cavities, intercurrent relation among the various structures therein and the projection on the body’s surface.
3) Lymphcentres/basic knowledges of bird anatomy and fish products.
The exam results are associated with the global evaluation of the responces given by the student on the three subjects above; each of these subject will be marked out of ten. If even one response have a bad marks (less than 4 out of 10) the whole exam will be given null. The final mark, obtained by averaging each of the three subject, will be marked out as 30. Students with specific learning difficulties, with certificates under the 170/2010 law will be allowed and awarded the support awarded by law.

Other information

This course which is both practical and theoretical will be carried out via power point presentation, anatomical preparation, using the “3D Anatomy” software (Biosphera) which allows the student to virtually dissect horse, dog, cat, bird and rat and finally using web resources. It needs to be clarified that the materials used are only permitted to be seen and projected and cannot be supplied due to copyright laws.
An important learning tool is the “3D Anatomy” software (Biosphera)which is available to the students of the course at the Anatomy Museum as well as the large number of anatomical preparations.
The complete course program, study support records, open source web link will all be made available to the students via the dedicated portal.