cod. 24230

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Letterature portoghese e brasiliana (L-LIN/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide a comparative analysis of the Portuguese and Brazilian modernist movements; to reflect on the respective cultural specificities, on the different assimilation of the common influences, on the cultural relations between Portugal and Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century, on the legacy of Portuguese culture on the Brazilian one and on the need and ability of the latter to free itself from the European model. Throughout the lessons, students will learn: - to know the most important authors, works, literary movements and ideas of XXth century’s Portuguese and Brazilian literatures, and their historical, political, cultural and artistical context; - to understand and analise both poetic and narrative texts, to discern their formal elements and to perceive their thematic and ideological contents (literary works willbe read in italian translation; nonetheless, students will hear the reading of many poetic in Portuguese language with italian subtitles in order to appreciate the phonetic and rytmic value of the original texts); - to express well-informed and appropriate comments, based on a careful reading ofthe texts; - to be capable of identifying, discerning, appreciating and illustrating the main characteristics of Portuguese and Brazilian cultures in the twentieth century.


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Course unit content

Portuguese modernism and Brazilian modernism. The course focuses on two crucial moments of the respective literatures of the twentieth century, two concurrent movements, which start from similar influences and cultural thrusts but develop in an absolutely autonomous way and have completely different purposes: in the Portuguese case, the goal is to renwe the local culture, bringing it up to the most evolved and up-to-date, discovering and adapting the stimuli of European avant-garde movements to the national and individual reality; in the Brazilian case, on the other hand, the aim is to affirm a specific national cultural identity, distinct from the European one (and from the Portuguese one, in particular), although moving from the incentives coming from the same avant-gardes. Greater attention and space will be devoted to the development of Portuguese modernism, to its different moments, to the protagonists (with particular emphasis on the figure of Fernando Pessoa) and to the magazines that have conveyed its contents. Then, a summary of the cultural relations between Portugal and Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century will be proposed and a comparison between the two modernisms will be outlined. During the lessons the analysis of some particularly significant literary texts of the two movements will also be put forward.

Full programme

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LUCIANA STEGAGNO PICCHIO, Dalle avanguardie ai modernismi. I nomi e le cose in Portogallo e Brasile, in Dai Modernismi alle Avanguardie: atti del Convegno dell'Associazione degli Ispanisti Italiani : Palermo 18-20 maggio 1990 / coord. por Carla Prestigiacomo, Maria Caterina Ruta, 1991, pp. 19-28. GIULIA LANCIANI, Il Novecento in Portogallo, Roma, Universitalia, 2014. DIONÍSIO VILA MAIOR, Sob o signo de Calíope. Sentidos modernistas, Aracne, 2018. The bibliography for the exam will be indicated at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures supported by audiovisual contents: pictures of authors, texts, events andlocations, documentaries, readings and videos regarding literary works, videolectures. Audiovisual contents in Portuguese language has italian subtitles. This material, contained in Power Point presentations, is to be considered an integral part of the reference bibliography and will be regularly loaded on the Elly page of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam evaluated with a scale of 0-30. The oral exam will test: - the knowledge of texts, authors, contexts studied in the course (weight of the item 10 pts.); - the ability to re-elaborate the subjects studied (weight of the item 7 pts.); - to propose personal in-depth analysis (weight of the item 7 pts.); - to obtain further information in order to interpret complex texts (weight of the item 3 pts.); - to develop personal evaluations (weight of the item 3 pts.). Students will fail the exam if they show to possess an insufficient knowledge of the basic contents of the course, or if they are not able to obtain further information in order to interpret complex texts, to develop personal evaluations. Students will obtain a result between 18-23/30 by demonstrating to possess a sufficient knowledge of the basic contents of the course and the ability to obtain further information in order to interpret complex texts, developing personal evaluations expressing themselves in an appropriate linguistic register. Students will obtain aresult between 24-27/30 by demonstrating to possess a more than sufficient level (24-25/30) or a good level (26-27/30) in the above mentioned competences. Higher marks (28-30/30) will be obtained by demonstrating a very good toexcellent level in the above mentioned competences. A mark of 30 cum laude is assigned in the case of reaching the maximum score on each item to which is added the mastery of the disciplinary lexicon.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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