cod. 15597

Academic year 2017/18
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

1 – knowledge and understanding
- To know and understand the techniques for the evaluation of the chemical and physical characteristics of the ration for dairy cattle.
- To know the ideal characteristics of diets for various categories of dairy cattle.- To know the general scheme of work of a rationing software for dairy cattle.
2 – Applying knowledge and understanding- to be able to identify and enter in the software interface the essential data (input data) for the computerized formulation of rations- to know how to identify the essential response parameters offered by the formulation program (output data)
3 – Making judgements
- to know how to interpret the essential response parameters offered by the formulation program (output data)
- to know how to make corrective changes to the formula of the ration to optimize its characteristics
4 – Communication skills- to be able to clearly and easily communicate the criticality of the ration and the changes made, motivating them appropriately
5 – Learning skills- to be able to adapt the formula of the ration to the requirements of the customer, depending on the availability of raw materials and market prices



Course unit content

The course consists of a zootechnical part and an nutrition and nutrition integrated between them. The livestock part consists of didactic visits of a one-day duration to beef and milk cattle dairy farm, swine and poultry farms.
The nutrition and nutrition part includes the explanationThe course content consists of the explanation of the techniques for evaluating the chemical and physical characteristics of the dairy cattle ration, of the ideal characteristics of rations for dairy cows of various categories, of the use of rationing programs for rations formulation and of ration optimization mode.

Full programme

Parts of livestock:
- Visits at commercial dairy farms, beef farms, pigs and poultry farms.

- Chemical and physical analytical parameters for the characterization of the ration;
- input data needed to calculate the nutritional value of the ration;
- input data needed to calculate the needs of beef;
- Evaluation of the appropriateness of the ration;
- Improvement of the ration.


Lecture notes of the course. Monographic articles identified during the course.
Students can find the pdf of lessons on the Elly platform ( or get them directly from the lecturer.

Teaching methods

The didactic activities will be conducted mainly in the form of lessons and, in the final part of the course, through laboratory activity and case study.The power point presentations used to support the lessons will be uploaded at the beginning of the course on the Elly platform and can be downloaded by students regularly enrolled in the course.Power point presentations are considered an integral part of the didactic material. Any changes made to the presentations will be promptly reported by the lecturer during the lessons.The software used for rationing demonstrations will be made available to students for optional exercise activities. The articles of interest for the study of the topics proposed will be indicated during the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

Verification of learning outcomes related to knowledge, understanding and application will take place through a written exam at the end of the course, 1 hour duration, including no. 5 questions appropriate for the evaluation of the n. 5 Dublin descriptors.
To the students with diagnosis of specific learning disability (DSA) certified under law n. 170/2010, proper specific support will be provided.

Other information

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