cod. 15029

Academic year 2019/20
3° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese (L-LIN/12)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to develop oral and written communicative skills as well as translation strategies and metalinguistic skills about the main features of specialized discourse, which enable students to understand and translate various types of scientific texts.

- Appreciate the features of specialized discourse in English.
- Be aware of the various degrees of text specialization in the continuum from popular-scientific to highly specializd texts.

- Recognize and appreciate the features of specialised discourse in specific text samples.
- Understand, analyse and discuss the contents and the formal features of specific text samples.

- Make informed and motivated judgements about complex phenomena, based on a careful reading of the text.

- Develop oral and written communicative skills at the C1 level of the European Framework for Languages.

- Develop an adequate level of metalinguistic and translation skills, which will enable students to use the contents of this course to analyse and translate specialized texts autonomously.


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Course unit content

The course focuses on the process of translation of specialized discourse, with particular reference to scientific discourse about the relationships between language and mind (e.g. cognitive science, psycholinguistics, language pathology). The first part of the course focuses on the features of specialized discourse at the level of lexicon, morpho-syntax, text and pragmatics, while the second part promotes the analysis of different texts with various degrees of specialization, the appreciation of their linguistic features and the capacity of adequately translating the texts from English into italian. The classes will be given in English. Students are required to attend Prof. Daloiso's lectures and the practice sessions held by the language experts during both semesters.

Full programme

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Gotti M. (2011) Investigating Specialized Discourse, Peter Lang.
Scientific and popular-scientific articles which will be available on the Elly platform during the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures and interactive classes.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the knowledge and skills acquired during the course will be carried out by means of a preliminary written test and an oral examination at the end of the academic year. The knowledge and competences that will be evaluated are as follows:
. written and oral competence in the English language corresponding to the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference and, in particular the acquisition of all language skills (written and spoken) as well as translation strategies in a register appropriate to the text genre and which reflects the communicative functions of the source text;
. knowledge of text features and context, formal, informal and ideological issues relating to the text genre and object of study;
. ability to study independently, re-elaborate the contents covered during the course, propose individual research complementary to the topics discussed during the lectures, solve problems related to the retrieval of information and decoding of complex texts, in order to formulate individual judgements and opinions.
The aim of the oral examination is to evaluate the ability of the student to re-elaborate, reformulate such knowledge as well as his/her ability to apply the knowledge and skills developed to text analysis and also apply them at a contrastive level.
The preliminary written text evaluation will be considered insufficient if the student is found lacking in any of the language skills; an insufficient evaluation (less than 18/30) does not permit access to the oral examination.
The final evaluation also takes into account the competences developed in the preliminary written test.
An insufficient final evaluation is determined by the lack on the part of the student: to demonstrate a minimum knowledge of the contents of the course; to express him or herself adequately in English (expected level: C1) on the topics of the course; to discuss and solve problems regarding the retrieval of information and decoding of complex texts, and to formulate independent critical judgements and opinions.
A evaluation of sufficient (18-23/30) is determined if the student is able to show that he/she has mastered the basic notions and contents of the course and is sufficiently able to express them, even simply, at a level of English that at least corresponds in part to the C1 level. An average mark (24-27/30) is awarded to the student who can demonstrate he/she possesses a more than sufficient (24-25/30) or good (26-27/30) command of the language and theoretical knowledge according to the above criteria of evaluation. The highest marks ( 28-30/30 and merit) are likewise awarded on the basis of a very good to excellent command of the language and theoretical knowledge according to the above criteria of evaluation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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