cod. 1005966

Academic year 2018/19
2° year of course - Annual
Elisabetta LONGHI
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua tedesca (L-LIN/14)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- use the instruments available for the comprehension and production, especially in writing (dictionaries, grammars, etc.);
- apply the learned rules to the production of new (easy) sentences;
- read and analyze easy texts in an efficient manner;
- critically reflect on German (morphology, syntax, word-formation);
- use the correct terminology in the explanation of grammar phenomena.



Course unit content

Phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology in the contrastive comparison with Italian and reading strategies for German texts

Full programme

The course will offer an overview of German phonetics, morphology, syntax and lexicology and thus introduce the students to contrastive linguistics through various comparisons with Italian. In the second part of the course, valid reading strategies will be developed starting from the notions previously acquired, particularly on German syntax.


1) Sandra Bosco Coletsos & Marcella Costa (a cura di), Italiano e tedesco: un confronto, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria, 2006

2) Marina Foschi Albert & Hardarik Blühdorn, Lettura e comprensione del testo in lingua tedesca. Strategie inferenziali, tecniche euristiche, materiale illustrativo, Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2013.

Teaching methods

Lectures with students' active participation will be the favourite didactic method. The slides used to support the lessons will be uploaded to the Elly platform, to which the students can access through the online enrollment. The slides are an integral part of the didactic material indicated in the bibliography. Non-attending students shall check all the didactic material available, as well as the instructiond given by the professor through the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Competencies and skills will be assessed through two types of summative examination:
1) a compulsory written examination, to be taken before the oral examination. There are three parts to the written examination: listening, reading, writing. The written examination is structured like Goethe-Institut’s B1 certification. The written examination lasts 3 hours. The written examination is assessed with marks ranging from 0 to 30 and the final mark will be calculated on the average of the written and oral examinations.
2) an oral examination based on the basics of theory and the ability to apply them. The students will be expected to be able to reflect upon the German language and compare it with Italian. Both the contents and the language used to express them will be assessed. The mark will be communicated to the student immediately after the oral examination. Please remember that the enrollment to the round is COMPULSORY both for the written and for the oral examinations.
A negative assessment will be given if that the student is unable to attain the minimum requirements of the course. Sufficient evaluation (18-23/30) is determined by the demonstration by the student to have learned the basic and minimum contents of the course. The mean scores (24-27/30) are assigned to the student who produces evidence of a level more than sufficient (24-25/30) or good (26-27/30) evaluation indicators listed above. Higher scores (from 28/30 to 30/30 cum laude) are awarded based on the demonstration of a level as very good to excellent evaluation indicators listed above.

Other information

Students must attend the language assistant's lessons as well. During these lessons they will train reading, listening, writing and speaking. Non-attending students are requested to contact the teachers in due advance by e-mail or at office hours for counseling.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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