Learning objectives
• Raise awareness of the historical, linguistic and cultural language of the former Yugoslavia.
• Promote interaction and stimulate oral receptive and productive skills of the learner.
Course unit content
• Deal with the main features of the history of the language of Croats and Serbs and the problems relating to the formation of linguistic standards.
• Deepen historical-sociological and cultural aspects of the area of the former Yugoslavia.
• Acquire basic oral communication skills.
Barešić J., Dobro dosli, Zagreb 2006.
Ćorić B., Srpskohrvatski za strance, Beograd 2003.
Grubac G. Allocco, Grammatica serba, Milano 2010.
Hoesch E., Storia dei paesi balcanici. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri., Torino, 2005.
Kosovac V., Lukić V., Učimo hrvatski 1, Zagreb 2006,
Magno A., La guerra dei dieci anni, Milano 2001.
Olivari Venier I., Compendio di grammatica croata, Trieste 1999.
Pirjevec J., Storia dei Serbi, Croati, Sloveni, Bologna 1995.
Prévélakis G., I Balcani, Bologna 1994.
Pugliese G., Sretan put! Manuale di lingua bosniaca, croata e serba, Trieste 1999.
Teaching methods
• Lectures;
• Workshops and practical exercises in order to encourage and motivate the student even by multimedia tools.