cod. 1004381

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Giuseppina BASINI
integrated course unit
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the information to know and understand the physiological mechanisms responsible for the regulation of muscolar, cardiovascular, and respiratory function, with particular emphasis on the aspects of homeostasis. In addition, the student knows and understands the mode of action and functions of the endocrine system. The student is able to analyze the reproductive strategies in the different species in order to build the theoretical basis for the control of reproduction of domestic animals. Moreover, the student is able to know and understand the mechanisms that control the formation of urine and homeostatic functions of the kidney.
Learning outcomes:
-Knowledge and understanding. The student will gain knowledge of the main principles of cellular and general veterinary physiology, functions of the organs and systems in domestic animals, taking also into account comparative aspects. The understanding of integration of the various functions will also be necessary.
-Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will gain capacity to use knowledge in order to identify and evaluate experimental data and descriptive graphs of functional characteristics of organisms.
-Making judgements. The student will acquire ability to understand and critically and independently discuss data and different research topics.
Communications. The student should be able to correctly use specialized terminology during his speech and should gain capacity to analyze logically and sequentially cause/effect sequences of physiological processes.


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Course unit content

In this course, skeletal and smooth muscle function as well as cardiovascular physiology will be described, including regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of hearth function, vasomotility, blood flow and arterial pressure. The following part of the course will deal with respiratory function, describing in detail ventilation and its control, gas diffusion and transport. This course will also describe renal physiology, with particular reference to the role played by these organs in the regulation of acid-base balance.
In addition, part of the course will focus on hormones and endocrine glands, starting from general to come to describe specific features.Regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis and the endocrine regulation of metabolism will also be proposed. The final part of the course will focus on the physiology of male and female genital tracts and endocrine regulation of reproductive events. At the end, physiology of the mammary gland and endocrine regulation of lactation will be described.

Full programme

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1) "Fisiologia degli animali domestici",Sjaastad, Sand, Hove, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. 2) SHERWOOD, KlANDORF, YANCEY "FISIOLOGIA DEGLI ANIMALI- DAI GENI AGLI ORGANISMI.ZANICHELLI 3)

Teaching methods

Course topics will be addressed in lectures. In addition, practical training, seminars and educational visits will be proposed in order to allow the students to use knowledge and understanding gained in the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The acquisition of knowledge and understanding with regard to issues covered by the course will be tested by means of an oral examination of about 40 minutes which will be structured in three questions. During the interview, the student must also show the ability to make connections among the various topics proposed.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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