cod. 1004557

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Maddalena BOTTI
Academic discipline
Anatomia degli animali domestici (VET/01)
Discipline della struttura e funzione degli organismi animali
Type of training activity
52 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Integrated course unit module: VETERINARY NORMAL ANATOMY

Learning objectives

Students are expected to know about the macro and microscopic organisation of
the various apparatuses of the species of veterinary medical interest, also from a
comparative point of view. The student must acquire the competence to recognize and to describe both macroscopical and microscopical anatomical preparation. The student must also acquire autonomy of wise about him knowledges, capacity to learn the arguments and to transmit them adeguately.


Previous courses in Histology, Embryology are compulsory.

Course unit content

Teaching Veterinary Normal Anatomy 5 cfu. During the course will be treated some arguments of Splanchnology: Urogenital apparatus.

Full programme

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Texts and atlases recommended:
Systemic and comparative anatomy texts:
BARONE R.: Anatomia comparata dei mammiferi domestici, Voll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (parte
prima e parte seconda), 6,7, Edagricole, Bologna, 2003-2012.
DYCE K.M., SACK W.O., WENSING C.J:G: Testo Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria,
Delfino Editore Roma, 2006.
GETTY R.: Anatomia degli animali domestici di Sisson e Grossman, Piccin,
Padova, 1982.
KONIGH H.E., LIEBICH H.G.: Anatomia dei mammiferi domestici. Piccin, Padova,
NICKEL R., SCHUMMER A., SEIFERLE E.: Trattato di Anatomia degli Animali
Domestici, Voll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Ambrosiana, Milano, 1991.
PELAGALLI G.V., BOTTE V.: Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata, Voll 1,
2, Edi Ermes, Milano, 1999.
Locomotor apparatus atlas:
BARONE R.: Atlante di osteo-artro-miologia del cavallo e del bovino, Edagricole,
Bologna, 1987.
Gross Anatomy atlases:
ASHDOWN R.R., DONE S.H.: Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria, Vol. 1 Ruminanti,
Vol. 2 Il Cavallo, USES, Firenze, 1988.
BARONE R.: Il Cavallo - Anatomia pratica e topografica, Edagricole, Bologna, 1987.
BOYD J.S.: Atlante a colori di Anatomia clinica del cane del gatto, Masson,
DONE. S.H., GOODY P.C., EVANS S.A., STICKLAND N.C.: Atlante di Anatomia
del cane e del gatto. Elsevier Srl, Torino, 2010.
POPESKO P.: Atlante di Anatomia topografica degli animali domestici, Grasso,
Bologna, 1997.
Microascopic anatomy texts-atlases:
BANKS W.J.: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria, Piccin, Padova, 1991.
DELLMAN H.D., BROWN E.M.: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria,
Grasso, Bologna, 1981.
Microscopic Anatomy atlas:
BACHA W.J., WOOD L.M.: Atlante a colori di Istologia Veterinaria, Delfino, Roma,
Hans-Georg Liebich: Istologia e Anatomia microscopica dei mammiferi domestici e degli uccelli. Piccin, 2010.

Teaching methods

The course is divided in theoretical and practical training. During the theoretical activities the different arguments will be explained to provide the methodology that the students will have to use to describe an organ from a macroscopical point of view. During the practical activities, that will be carried out with the students divided in groups, will be supplied the notions and knowledges that the students will use to identify a microscopical anatomic normal preparation, by means optical microscope.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is at the end of the course. It is carried out by mens a practical test and oral examination. With the practical test, the student must recognize and describe an anatomic microscopical preparation, under optical microscope observation. With the oral examination the student must morphologically describe an organs, place it in the belongings apparatus. It is necessary that the student connects to each organ its innervation and the vascularization.

Other information

The theoretical and practical activities will be carried out by means power point presentation, anatomic macroscopical and microscopical preparations.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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