cod. 15039

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - Annual
Elisabetta LONGHI
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua tedesca (L-LIN/14)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims at the acquisition of advanced text analysis and translation skills from German into Italian, particularly in the literary field.


B2 level of German

Course unit content

The course includes a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part mainly consists in introducing the concept of style and basics of text analysis, which will then be applied to the analysis and translation of authentic texts taken from a contemporary German novel. The practical part consists in the analysis and translation of these texts. The didactic progression will take into account the typical mistakes that Italians make when translating from German into Italian. Peers will compare their translation options and they will also compare them with “official” translations made by professionals. They will thus go through the whole translation process, from the comprehension and interpretation to the source text to the final revision.

Students must attend language assistants’ lessons as well (see lesson timetable). Non-attending students are requested to contact the teacher in due advance by e-mail or at office hours for counseling.

Full programme

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Reference for translation training (source text):
Jan Koneffke, Eine Liebe am Tiber, DuMont, Köln, 2004.

Reference for theory:
Hans-Werner Eroms, Stil und Stilistik. Eine Einführung, Schmidt, Berlin, 2008
Marina Foschi Albert, Il profilo stilistico del testo. Guida al confronto intertestuale e interculturale (tedesco e italiano), Edizioni Plus, Pisa, 2009.
Further bibliography will be given during the lessons.

Teaching methods

- lecture with students’ active participation
- training in small groups
- analysis of case studies
- translation workshop

Assessment methods and criteria

The tests shall be written and oral. The written test shall be passed before the oral one. The written test assesses the translation skills as well as grammar and vocabulary. The oral test assesses the theoretical knowledge and the students’ ability to apply it to practical cases, based on the texts analyzed and translated during the lessons.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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