Learning objectives
At the end of the course the student will be able to: a) contextualize the major historical events of the modern age in the more general framework of political, economic, social and cultural life of early modern Europe in its
interrelations with non-European countries; b ) demonstrate awareness of the complexity of the roots of contemporary Europe c) apply the knowledge gained to critical analysis and interpretation of historical
sources and iconography relating to the events studied.
Basic cognitive requirements
Course unit content
The course consists of a critical overview of main issues and problems of the early modern age, from discovery of America at the age of Revolutions.
Full programme
The course consists of a critical overview of main issues and problems of
the early modern age, from discovery of America at the age of
C. Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Milano, Mondadori, 2011. For the preparation of the general part is also obligatory the use of a historical atlas.
1) A book of your choice among the following:
- S. Luzzatto (a cura di), Prima lezione di metodo storico, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010
- M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o mestiere di storico, Torino, Einaudi, 1998;
- P. Burke, Testimoni oculari. Il significato storico delle immagini, Roma, Carocci, 2002
- P. Prodi, La storia moderna, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005.
- R. Bizzocchi, Guida allo studio della storia moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003
2) A second book among the following:
- T. Todorov, La conquista dell'America. Il problema dell'altro, Torino, Einaudi,2005
- C.H. Parker, Relazioni globali nell’età moderna 1400-1800, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012.
- F. De Vivo, Patrizi, informatori, barbieri. Politica e comunicazione a Venezia, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2012
- G. Fragnito,Proibito capire. La Chiesa e il volgare nella prima età moderna, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005
- A. Prosperi, La vocazione. Storie di gesuiti tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Torino, Einaudi, 2016
- A. Chastel, Il sacco di Roma. 1527, Torino, Einaudi, 2010
- L. Hunt, La rivoluzione francese. Politica, cultura, classi sociali, Bologna, il Mulino, 2007
- A. Foa, Ebrei in Europa. Dalla Peste Nera all'emancipazione. XIV-XIX secolo, Roma, Laterza, 2005.
Teaching methods
Lectures with reading and commenting on texts and sources; at the end of the course there will be a written test aims at the acquisition of the main tools for analyzing and interpreting historical textual and
iconographic sources described in the first part.
The course will also be offered in a blended way on the distance learning platform called Elly
Assessment methods and criteria
The final exam is divided into two parts:
1)a written paper in which the student must demonstrate knowledge of the main events of the history and problems of the modern age and the acquired ability to critically analyze a textual source or iconographic.
The written paper is divided into three open questions taken from the manual of general history and a commentary of a historical document regarding the topics covered in the manual. The time available for the written paper
is two hours. It’s considered sufficient a paper in which the candidate has correctly answered all questions without significant error in the exposition
of facts and in the analysis of the source.
2) an oral exam in which the student must disclose in a reasoned and critical way the topics covered in the texts.
The final grade is formulated considering the whole, the written test and oral exposure.