Learning objectives
The course is intended to give students competence to a critic insight of romance medieval literatures, in an european and comparative context.
Course unit content
Selected and critical texts, read and commented by the teacher, from various literary genres, with special attention paid to galloromance and iberic literature.
To be studied for the general part
- P. Gresti, Introduzione alla linguistica romanza, Bologna, Patron, 2016
- A. Varvaro, Prima lezione di filologia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2012.
- M. ZInk, Letteratura francese del Medioevo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2003 o ristampe.
Those who do NOT attend the course will also add:
4. P. Gresti, Antologia delle letterature romanze, Bologna, Patron, 2011: reading, translation and commentary of texts numbered 1 (Alexis); 4 (Boeci); 9 (Chanson de Roland); 10 (Chanson de Guillaume); 14 (Audigier); 15 (Ronsasvals); 18 (Cid); 30 (Bernart de Ventadorn); 37 (Peire Vidal), 45 (Thibaut); 55 (Roman de Troie); 56 (Roman d'Alexandre); 57 (Thomas);
58 (Béroul), 62 (Perceval), 68 (Libro de Alexandre)