Learning objectives
Students are expected to know about the macro and microscopic organisation of
the various apparatuses of the species of veterinary medical interest, also from a
comparative point of view.
Course unit content
The language of Anatomy: directional terms and planes.
Techniques of the anatomical dissection.
Pars of the body Anatomy: Head, Neck, Trunk (Thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis, Back)
Tail, Thoracic and Pelvic Limbs.
Systematic Anatomy: Osteology, Arthrology, Myology. Splancnology: Digestive apparatus, Respiratory apparatus, Urogenital apparatus.
Endocrine glands.
Nervous system. Sense organs.
Common integument.
Texts and atlases recommended:
Systemic and comparative anatomy texts:
BARONE R.: Anatomia comparata dei mammiferi domestici, Voll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (parte
prima e parte seconda), 6, Edagricole, Bologna, 2003-2006.
DYCE K.M., SACK W.O., WENSING C.J:G: Testo Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria,
Delfino Editore Roma, 2006.
GETTY R.: Anatomia degli animali domestici di Sisson e Grossman, Piccin,
Padova, 1982.
KONIGH H.E., LIEBICH H.G.: Anatomia dei mammiferi domestici. Piccin, Padova,
NICKEL R., SCHUMMER A., SEIFERLE E.: Trattato di Anatomia degli Animali
Domestici, Voll 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Ambrosiana, Milano, 1991.
PELAGALLI G.V., BOTTE V.: Anatomia veterinaria sistematica e comparata, Voll 1,
2, Edi Ermes, Milano, 1999.
Locomotor apparatus atlas:
BARONE R.: Atlante di osteo-artro-miologia del cavallo e del bovino, Edagricole,
Bologna, 1987.
Gross Anatomy atlases:
ASHDOWN R.R., DONE S.H.: Atlante di Anatomia Veterinaria, Vol. 1 Ruminanti,
Vol. 2 Il Cavallo, USES, Firenze, 1988.
BARONE R.: Il Cavallo - Anatomia pratica e topografica, Edagricole, Bologna, 1987.
BOYD J.S.: Atlante a colori di Anatomia clinica del cane del gatto, Masson,
DONE. S.H., GOODY P.C., EVANS S.A., STICKLAND N.C.: Atlante di Anatomia
del cane e del gatto. Elsevier Srl, Torino, 2010.
POPESKO P.: Atlante di Anatomia topografica degli animali domestici, Grasso,
Bologna, 1997.
Microscopic anatomy texts-atlases:
BANKS W.J.: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria, Piccin, Padova, 1991.
DELLMAN H.D., BROWN E.M.: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria,
Grasso, Bologna, 1981.
Microscopic Anatomy atlas:
BACHA W.J., WOOD L.M.: Atlante a colori di Istologia Veterinaria, Delfino, Roma,
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical training. Learning activities involve classroom lectures and practical activities. The latter, carried out with the students divided into groups, are designed to provide the student with a hands-on view of macroscopic organisation (through dissection) and microscopic organisation (by observation under optical microscope) of the organs of the animals.
Assessment methods and criteria
Practical test and oral examination.