Course objectives

The proposed degree programme aims to prepare graduates with good basic and applied knowledge in the main fields of food science and technology. Graduates will have operational skills and be able to perform technical, managerial and professional tasks that support the production and control activities of industries, laboratories and services in the food production sector.
The training of the Food Science and Technology graduate includes:
- good basic knowledge in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology oriented to the applicative aspects of the food sector; - adequate knowledge of the scientific method apt to finalise the basic and operative knowledge to the solution of problems and development of innovation characteristic of the industries of the food chain - good theoretical and operational knowledge of the disciplines characterising the food sector, with particular reference to production technologies, food composition, food microbiology, safety and quality control, hygiene and sensorial aspects, the economics of the sector in relation to the market and the management of food production, processing and marketing enterprises; - knowledge of the principles of human nutrition for the purposes of prevention and health protection, for a fruitful dialogue with the world of medicine - knowledge of food legislation; - adequate knowledge of professional and ethical responsibilities and ability to assess the social and environmental impact of activities in the food sector; - ability to effectively use at least one European Union language, in addition to Italian, normally English, in the specific field of competence and for the exchange of general information; - good ability to use IT, communication and information management tools; - good ability, also by virtue of specific internships and/or company placements, to participate in team work, to operate with defined degrees of autonomy, to readily fit into the work environment and to adapt one's knowledge to developments in the sector.




Toll-free number

800 904 084

Students registry office

E. [] 

Quality Assurance Manager

Dott.ssa Francesca Benassi

T. +39 0521 902065
E. service 
E. manager


Course President

Prof. Monica Gatti


Faculty advisor

Prof. Tommaso Ganino 

Advising and guidance delegate

Prof. Martina Cirlini -

Alessia Levante - 

Annalisa Ricci - 

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot


Tutor professor 

Prof. Martina Cirlini

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Elena Bancalari

Quality assurance office

Dott. Caterina Scopelliti
Office E.:
Manager E.


Prof. Marcello Alinovi