Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course -
Monica GATTI
Academic discipline
Microbiologia agraria (AGR/16)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
95 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit

Course unit partition: Food Microbiology

Learning objectives

This part of the Food Microbiology course aims to enable the student to autonomously draw conclusions regarding the microbiological analysis of a food in accordance with what is defined in the specific objectives of the Degree Course in Food Science and Technology and 'area of food microbiology.
In particular, the student must be able to understand the meaning of a direct and indirect microbiological analysis and express the result in the correct way.
The expected learning outcomes are: 1) Knowledge of the analytical parameters to be determined and of the methods to be applied for both qualitative and quantitative microbiological analysis of a food matrix. 2) Application skills: apply methodologies and techniques for the microbiological analysis of food. 3) Autonomy of judgment: to evaluate the microbiological quality of a food based on the result of a microbial count. 4) Communication skills: communication of a result of a microbiological analysis of a liquid and solid food. 5) Ability to learn: Ability to critically consult databases and websites relating to microbial counting methods for specific microorganisms.


Knowledge of general and food microbiology is required.

Course unit content

The course completes the contents of Food Microbiology and concerns the microbiological analysis of a food. 1 CFU of exercise includes 15 hours of lessons divided between classroom and laboratory exercises.
The first part of the exercises foresee the explanation and the meaning of the microbiological counting techniques. The attendance of the hours of laboratory exercises is mandatory, unless there is a justification assessed by the teacher. The teacher will communicate to the students, at the beginning of the lessons, the maximum number of absences allowed. The assessment of attendance takes place according to methods and criteria established by the individual teacher who makes them known to the students at the beginning of the lessons

Full programme

The purpose of the microbiological analysis of food.
Direct and indirect methods of microbiological counting
The decimal dilution
The media for microbiology counts
Count it in the plate
Expression of the result of a microbiological analysis of a food
Principles of microscopy applied to the microbiological analysis of food
Online research of the microbiological characteristics of foods and methods of counting for the different microorganisms in different foods


Ann Elizabeth Vaughan Pietro Buzzini Francesca Clementi. Laboratorio didattico di microbiologia (2008) Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli. ISBN: 9788808183224

Teaching methods

The teaching will be through frontal exercises both in the classroom and in the laboratory. The lessons will be held with the help of slides that will represent didactic material, in addition to the recommended texts. The slides will be available online on the Elly SAF website in pdf format for students and some useful videos for viewing the operational sequences of the plate count analysis. During the lessons, the appropriate use of technical language will be reiterated, and the links between the various parts of the course will be emphasized. The content of the practical lessons, carried out both in the classroom and in the laboratory, will be an integral part of the final evaluation.

Assessment methods and criteria

The content of this part of the teaching is an integral part of the learning assessment. In particular, 5 of the 31 questions required by the written test relate to this part of the teaching. Two questions are related to the concepts underlying the methods of analysis, three questions are related to the application of the microbial count formula (weighted average formula) and the correct expression of the result.
Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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