cod. 04161

Academic year 2010/11
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Logica e filosofia della scienza (M-FIL/02)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

Objectives of the course (preferably expressed in terms of learning outcomes and competences): On one hand the course describes the historical context of the debate on concepts, while on the other hand it presents the respective texts, and encourages students to develop a critical interpretation according to which they can form their own personal viewpoint.


There are no prerequisite requirements.

Course unit content

The history of the notion of concept from Aristotle to Leibniz

Full programme

Title: Concepts: a historical perspective
We will try to answer the question: 'which function do concepts have in logic?'. Aristotle speaks of concepts in a book on logic: The De Interpretatione, but he postpones the systematic analysis to a psychological work: The De Anima. We will follow the development of the issue of concepts from Aristotle to Leibniz. Boethius and medieval commentators re-propose the Aristotelian ambivalence, speaking of concepts on one hand from a psychological point of view and from a logical-semantical perspective on the other. In Late scholastic as well as in 17th century, concepts and conceptual meaning play an important role in logic; the original ambiguity is not overcome but in some way reproduced.


Course notes can be downloaded from the website http://www.slprbo.unipr.it in the “documents” folder (access with password for students taking the course)

Teaching methods

oral lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

short paper and oral examination

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

President of the degree course

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer
E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it

Faculty advisors

Prof. Roberto Pinzani
E. roberto.pinzani@unipr.it
Prof.ssa Irene Binini
E. irene.binini@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Andrea Bianchi
E. andreabianchi@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer

E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it

Prof. Matteo V. D'Alfonso  
E. matteovincenzo.dalfonso@unife.it

Modena e Reggio Emilia
Prof.ssa Annalisa Coliva 
E. annalisa.coliva@unimore.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer
E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it
Prof. Italo Testa
E. italo.testa@unipr.it

Quality assurance delegate

Prof. Pierfrancesco Fiorato
E. pierfrancesco.fiorato@unipr.it


Prof. Gemmo Iocco

E. gemmo.iocco@unipr.it

Prof. Andrea Gatti

E. andrea.gatti@unife.it

Modena e Reggio Emilia
Prof. Giacomo Scarpelli

E. giacomo.scarpelli@unimore.it

Tutor students

Dott. ssa Leda Bonifai
E. leda.bonifai@studenti.unipr.it