Course units and programme of study

The Programme of Study is the set of compulsory and elective course units that the student must take in order to graduate.
Submission of the Programme of Study for one's year of enrollment is compulsory and is necessary, above all, for enrollining for examinations and completing the teaching evaluation questionnaires.
All students must submit their Programme of Study online via the Esse3 system The Programme of Study may differ depending on the academic year of enrollment ('cohort'); it may also provide for a choice between different curricula.
For a list of the courses that can be included in the Programme of Study, select the academic year of enrollment and, if available, the curriculum.

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List of courses

How the Programme of Study works

The list of course units in the Programme of Study represents the set of training activities that can be envisaged for each of the years of which the course of study consists and changes according to the year in which the student enrolls. Free or restricted-choice' subjects are optional learning activities that students may include in their Programme of Study according to the choice criteria specified on this page; the remaining course units are compulsory for all students.
The Programme of Study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own Programme of Study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's educational objectives. In that case, the Programme of Study must be submitted to the Course Council for approval.

Mutuazioni insegnamenti a.a. 2023-2024 sedi di Modena-Reggio Emilia e Ferrara

Nell'allegato sono indicate gli insegnamenti in mutuazione presenti nell'offerta formativa 2023-2024

Periodi per la compilazione piano degli studi 2023-2024

Periodi per la compilazione

Per l'a.a. 2023/2024 i periodi di compilazione del piano degli studi 2023-2024 sono i seguenti:

  • dal 23/10/2023 al 07/12/2023
  • dal 02/01/2024 al 31/01/2024 (per chi non è riuscito a presentare il piano degli studi nel primo periodo o per chi vuole fare delle modifiche)
  • dal 18/03/2024 al 19/04/2024

Part-time students’ programme of study

Part-time means the possibility, at the time of enrolment or during the subsequent academic years of enrolment, to agree on a course of study with a number of ECTS credits equal to 50% of the number of ECTS credits per year.

A part-time student is a student who enrols in the first year or regular years of study and who, for work, health or personal reasons, finds himself/herself  unable to devote himself/herself to full-time studies; the following fall into this category:

  • Students-workers with a contract (employed, self-employed or professional) of not less than six months' duration,
  • students with a disability equal to or higher than 45% or certified disability pursuant to Article 3(1) of Law 104/92
  • students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD)
  • students engaged not occasionally in the care and assistance of dependent relatives within the scope of Law 104/92
  • pregnant students
  • students with children up to the age of 3
  • students involved in sports activities at a high national or international level.

The Academic Authorities reserve the right to carefully consider very exceptional or special requests not included in the above categories.

Further details can be found in the attached Regulations for the enrolment of part-time students in degree courses at the University of Parma and in the Prospectus.
