Course unit partition: Cognomi A-D

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Valentina ZULIANI
Academic discipline
Chimica farmaceutica (CHIM/08)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
92 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the activity students should be able to:
1) know the rules of safety in a medicinal chemistry laboratory;
2) recognize laboratory equipment and know how to use it;
3) know qualitative and quantitative analysis. And, in particular, students should be able to
a. identify inorganic compounds;
b. determine the concentration of an analyte by titration.


To attend the laboratory, it is mandatory to have passed the General and Inorganic Chemistry exam.
Moreover, it is mandatory to have completed the three safety courses on-line.

Course unit content

First part: series of lessons regarding safety rules in a medicinal chemistry laboratory, laboratory equipment and main operations carried out: solubilization, precipitation, filtration and centrifugation.
Second part: qualitative inorganic analysis.
Third part: quantitative analysis (titrations).

Full programme

First part: 6h theory and 4h lab
• introduction to the course;
• safety in the medicinal chemistry laboratory;
o law 81/2008
o safety signs
o dangerous equipment
o hazardous substances
o safety data sheet
o laboratory waste
o Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
o rules
• laboratory equipment;
• solubilization, precipitation, filtration and centrifugation.
Second part: 14h theory and 28h lab
• identification of inorganic compounds
Third part: 12h theory and 28h lab
• quantitative analysis (titrations)
o acid-base titration
o complexometric titration
o redox titration


• Slide and material provided in class.
• Di Caterina, R.C. Manuale della Sicurezza nei Laboratori, BASTOGILIBRI
• Cavrini, V; Andrisano, V. Principi di Analisi Farmaceutica (cap. 5, 7, 8), ESCULAPIO.
• Savelli, F.; Bruno, O. Analisi Chimico Farmaceutica (cap. 1, 4), PICCIN.
• Carta, A.; Mamolo, M.G.; Novelli, F.; Piras, S. Analisi Farmaceutica Qualitativa (cap. 5), EdiSES
• Watson, D.G. Analisi Farmaceutica (cap. 1, 3), EDRA

Teaching methods

The course is divided into theory lessons (4 CFU = 32 hours) and individual practical laboratory activity (4 CFU = 60 hours).
Slide and video of the laboratory will be available on the ELLY website.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade will be given by:
- 30% practical tests in the laboratory;
- 30% oral test on quantitative analysis;
- 40% oral test on qualitative analysis.

Other information

Students have at their disposal laboratories equipped with useful instrumentation for qualitative and quantitative analysis and the glassware necessary for the activity.
It is mandatory to wear PPE all times.