Qualifying to practise as a pharmacist

The licence to practise as a PHARMACIST is conferred following the passing of a special State Examination, which is held annually by order of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) published in the Official Gazette.
The examinations are held each year in two separate sessions in June and November.
Further information can be found on the University of Parma's State Examinations page.
List (not exhaustive) of topics covered during the oral test in previous sessions of the State Examination for the Qualification to Practise as a Pharmacist

State Examination Sessions

Information and guidelines on the State Examination for qualification to practise as a pharmacist

Ministerial Order No. 471 of 17 May 2023 stipulated that the first and second sessions of the State Examination for the Licensing to Practise as a Pharmacist, scheduled for 26 July 2023 and 16 November 2023, would consist of a single oral examination conducted by distance learning.

As required by the regulations in force, the state examination will cover all the subjects envisaged by the specific regulations in question (recognition, dosage, prescription dispensing, discussion of chemical-pharmaceutical, technological-legislative and pharmacological aspects relating to the professional field). The assessment of skills and abilities normally examined through the practical tests will be based on knowledge of the general principles of the subjects.

In this regard, candidates may wish to refer to the joint FOFI/Conference of Directors of Pharmacy Departments document.

Examinations will be conducted via the Microsoft Teams® platform. Candidates are therefore kindly requested to download the application, using the same email address as the one used for registering. Of course, it is desirable for applicants to ensure that they can connect from a network that can support the traffic.

Candidates are encouraged to consult the State Examinations and the Department of Food and Drug website regularly for any updates.