Advising and guidance

Guidance refers to all activities aimed at enabling the future student to plan and manage their learning in a way that is consistent with their personal life goals and makes full use of their individual skills and interests to achieve personal fulfilment.

Alongside the student

Depending on the stage of the university process at which these activities are carried out, a distinction is made between:

  • Advising: carried out before the choice of degree course, it is aimed at prospective students and offers support in identifying the course to be undertaken on the basis of individual interests, expectations and aptitudes. In this phase, the various possible scenarios are presented to the future student and the alternatives of the university path are illustrated;
  • Guidance: carried out during the university career, it is aimed at enrolled students and is designed to guide them through the courses of study already undertaken, allowing them to establish a better interaction with the structures and the university context;
  • Career guidance: arried out close to or after graduation, is aimed at graduates or undergraduates and is designed to facilitate their introduction into the working environment.


Advising for incoming students takes place through meetings with students and teachers from upper secondary schools, through presentations at schools, presentations and visits to the Department facilities and through individual meetings. Students are welcomed for summer internships and School-Work Alternation courses. The activity is also implemented through participation in University events dedicated to advising potential new students (OPEN Days, INFO Days) and events organized by schools and local authorities promoting scientific and technological culture.


Guidance aims to facilitate students' integration and progress on their degree course.

Tutoring is carried out by course instructors and course students.

For more information see the page Student Tutors