cod. 13084

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia dell'arte medievale (L-ART/01)
Discipline relative ai beni storico-archeologici e artistici, archivistici e librari, demoetnoantropologici e ambientali
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide critical tools and basic conocences for the analysis of the most significant works created in Europe between the 4th and 14th centuries. The student will have acquired the basic knowledge to understand the general dynamics that create and intertwine the image patterns of the entire medieval time span.

Knowledge and understanding skills.
Students will acquire the essential art-historical knowledge for the critical framing of artworks in order to approach a critical text with greater scholarly awareness.

Applied knowledge and understanding skills.
Students will acquire the ability to connect acquired knowledge with the medieval image system.

Autonomy of judgment.
The skills and knowledge acquired will be the key point for dealing with medieval emergencies with autonomy of judgment.

Communication skills.
With particular insistence, students will be urged to achieve specific written and oral communicative competence, a fundamental skill for the discipline.

Learning skills:
Awareness of the art-historical framework of the medieval period and a prerequisite for future ability to analyze the system of images not only medieval, while developing a tension to learn also critical dynamics of later periods.


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Course unit content

The course will focus on the analysis of the most significant works of the history of European medieval art starting from the formal analysis, and on the most relevant critical junctions.The analysis of the works will then extend to the question of commissioning, reception and thus historical contextualization in order to understand their cultural significance in the sense of common heritage to be preserved and enhanced at the same time.

Full programme

- Art of the Late Antique period: from the Arch of Constantine to the monuments and artifacts of the age of Justinian (IV-VI century).
- Art from the Lombard and Carolingian periods (late 6th-9th centuries).
- Art of the High Middle Ages (late 10th - late 12th century).
- Art from the age of Frederick II to the "revolution" of Giotto (XIII-mid XIV century).
- Art of the Late Middle Ages ("Late Gothic Art").
Each macro-section is subdivided into Italian and European emergencies, religious and non-religious, or by artistic type (architecture, sculpture, painting, goldsmithing, miniatures) with a view to interpreting the individual works in reciprocal spatial and chronological interconnection.


1. The 15 units of the blended course on the Elly platform. No other handbook is allowed.

PDF required
-I- B. Brenk, Originalità e innovazione nell’arte medievale, in Arti e Storia nel medioevo, Volume primo: tempi, spazi, istituzioni, a cura di E. Castelnuovo e G. Sergi, Torino Einaudi, 2002, pp. 3-69.
-P. Liverani, Reimpiego senza ideologia. La lettura antica degli spolia dall’Arco di Costantino all’età carolingia, in “Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts”, 111 (2004), pp. 383-434.

Four PDFs of your choice from these
-01 F. Gandolfo, Il ruolo della scrittura nei mosaici del medioevo romano, in Roma e il suo territorio nel medioevo. Le fonti scritte fra tradizione e innovazione, Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio dell’Associazione italiana dei Paleografi e Diplomatisti (Roma, 25-29 ottobre 2012), a cura di C. Carbonetti, S. Luca, M. Signorini, Spoleto, CISAM, 2015, pp. 439-470; tavv. I-X.
-02 S. Lomartire, Riflessioni sulla diffusione del tipo "Dreiapsidensaalkirche" nell’architettura lombarda dell’altomedioevo, in “Hortus artium medie valium”, 9, 2003, pp. 417-432.
-03 M. Gianandrea, Federico II e Fossanova. Dalle ceneri di una tradizione storiografica alla genesi di una riflessione, in “Arte Medievale”, IV s., VI (2016), pp. 151-160.
-04 C. Gnudi, Considerazioni sul gotico francese, l’arte imperiale e la formazione di Nicola Pisano, in Federico II e l’arte del Duecento italiano, Atti del Convegno (Roma, 1 maggio 1978), ripubblicato in C. Gnudi, L’arte gotica in Francia e in Italia, Torino, Einaudi, 1982, pp. 102-119, tavv. 104-118.
-05 F. Cervini, Di alcuni crocifissi ’trionfali’ del secolo XII nell’Italia settentrionale, in “Arte medievale”, N.S., 7, 2008, 1, pp. 9-32.
-06 P. Piva, I Canossa e gli edifici di culto (da Adalberto Atto a Matilde), in Forme e storia. Scritti di arte medievale e moderna per Francesco Gandolfo, Roma, Artemide, 2011, pp. 91-104.
-07 A. Monciatti, A proposito di Giotto e compagni e qualche notazione per la ‘bottega’, in “Studi medievali”, III s., LV/2 (2014), pp. 627-651.
-08 A. Calzona, La cattedrale di Parma dopo il terremoto del 1117 senza il terremoto, in «Hortus Artium Medievalium», 25/2 (2019), pp. 487-495.
-09 X. Barral i Altet, Forme di narrazione medievale, con e senza «storie», al servizio del potere, in «Hortus Artium Medievalium», 21 (2015), pp. 6-20.
-10V. Pace, La Riforma e i suoi programmi figurativi: il caso romano, fra realtà storica e mito storiografico, in Roma e la Riforma gregoriana. Tradizioni e innovazioni artistiche (XI-XII secolo) a cura di S. Romano e J. Enckell Julliard, Roma, Viella, 2007, pp. 49-59.

Teaching methods

During the lectures, basic critical issues related to the creation, image models, style, patronage and reception of the main artworks of the medieval period will be focused on. For this purpose, face-to-face lectures will be offered through direct projection of images.
Possible excursions to observe the artworks in their specific context are also planned.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam, oral, requires the student to be able to recognize the images (subject, place, date, brief contextualization), through appropriate language. For the monograph part, the ability to synthesize the essays presented is required highlighting the nodal points and the argumentative path of the scholar.

The grade will be deemed insufficient in the absence of minimal knowledge of the course topics or with insufficient ownership of language. The program is structured in a textbook part and a monograph part: the exam is not sufficient by preparing only a part of the indicated program.
A sufficient score (range: 18/30 - 22/30) is determined by a minimum level of correct answers; a median score (range: 23/30 - 26/30) is determined by the ability to express in an argued manner the knowledge acquired for both modules; the highest scores (range: 27/30 - 30/30) correspond to an excellent/excellent level of the assessment indicators.

Other information

For any further questions it is possible to require a conversation via Teams, by mailing at giorgio.milanesi@unipr.it.

For students needing 12 cfu:
1. The 15 units of the blended course on the Elly platform. No other handbook is allowed.
The exam will concern the recognition of the images (name, chronology, place) and a brief critical contextualization.
2. Oral presentation of a medieval work (sculpture, painting, architecture, miniature or goldsmith; IV-XVth century) related to the province of origin or residence of the student.
3. The student will need to study the two required PDFs and will need to choose four PDFs from the 10 available (PDFs will be available on the Elly platform with limited download time; check dates)

For students needing 6 cfu:
1. The 15 units of the blended course on the Elly platform. No other handbook is allowed.
The exam will concern the recognition of the images (name, chronology, place) and a brief critical contextualization.
2. Oral presentation of a medieval work (sculpture, painting, architecture, miniature or goldsmith; IV-XVth century) related to the province of origin or residence of the student.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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