cod. 1001765

Academic year 2016/17
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Clinica ostetrica e ginecologia veterinaria (VET/10)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Obstetrics, Andrology and artificial insemination

Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to know and understand the essential elements of etiology , pathogenesis , symptoms , diagnosis and treatment of pathological situations of major veterinary interest , also in order to allow the student ability to use knowledge and understanding gained in identifying the patient's problems related to the condition of animals suffering from the disease of interest in obstetrics and gynecology and to prepare a care plan demonstrating adequate communication skills and ability to learn . In addition, the course aims to provide students with the basis of the manual to be carried out to perform in vitro fertilization and a withdrawal of seed with artificial vagina in horses , introduce students to the knowledge base for the management of breeding farms in several species from income and animals from disease with independent judgment .



Course unit content

General aspects of obstetrics and artificial insemination in domestic animals

Full programme

Pregnancy in farm animals: cow, horse, swine.
Pregnancy in small animal: dog and cat.
Diseases and complications during late gestation: fetal mummification, maceration fetal hydrops of fetal membranes, alterations in placental function.
The delivery in domestic animals
Maternal and fetal dystocia. Assistance (manual, instrumental drug).
Newborn care.
The afterbirth in various species. Cause and treatment in the retention of the placenta.
Control to prevent post-partum utero-ovarian diseases and ensure good recovery of reproductive function in livestock.

Historical notes on gynecology (teriogenology) veterinary and artificial insemination.
Sexuality and reproduction in domestic animals.
Fertility control and management breeding of livestock.
Behavioral aspects in male and female sexuality, control of oestrus and pregnancy and treatment with gonadotropic hormones.
Clinical evaluation of male and female genital tract (clinical, ultrasound, endoscopy, hormone assays).
Techniques of semen collection, evaluation of semen, fresh, chilled, frozen in various species.
Insemination techniques in various species.
Pregnancy in various species: fertilization and development of the products of conception, pregnancy tests (instrumental and laboratory).
Abortion in domestic animal
The role of man in the care of newborn and puerperium in livestock (birth-conception period) and small animals.


Ostetricia JONES E., JOSHUA J.: Reproductive Clinical Problems in the dog. MARUSI A.: Nozioni di ostetricia e ginecologia nella cavalla. Step Ed., Parma. McENTEE K.: Reproductive Pathology of domestic mammals. Academic Press. RICHTER J., GOETZE R.: Ostetricia Veterinaria. Ed. italiana a cura di O. Oliva, Grasso, Bologna. Patologia della riproduzione e F.A. ARTHUR G.H.: Ostetricia e riproduzione degli animali domestici. Ed. italiana di M. Mastronardi e P. Minoia. CHRISTIANSEN LB.J: La riproduzione nel cane e nel gatto. Ed. italiana Ernes ED., 1987. LAWRENCE T.L.J., FLOWER V.R.: Growth of farm animals. Cab Intern Ed., 1997. MARUSI A., FASOLI F., FURLATTINI V.: L'inseminazione strumentale negli uccelli domestici. Grafiche Step Ed. MARUSI A.: Dal Bos primigenius alla Transgenic Cow. Multimedia Ed. MARUSI A.: Note di riproduzione equina. A.P.A. Ed., Parma. PEREZ Y PEREZ: Riproduzione animale: inseminazione artificiale e trapianto embrionale. Piccin Ed. SALI G.: Manuale di teriogenologia bovina. Edagricole.

Teaching methods

practical exercises with simulations of viscera ; Support to the teacher during the diagnosis and therapetic activity in OVUD

Assessment methods and criteria

Learning evaluation through oral examination and analysis of clinical cases

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

+39 0521 902604

Quality assurance office

Education Manager:
Giulia Branca

+39 0521 902601
Office mail didvet@unipr.it
Manager mail giulia.branca@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Roberta Saleri

Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Genchi

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Clotilde Silvia Cabassi

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Federico Righi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Simone Taddei


Prof. Alberto Sabbioni