cod. 1005635

Academic year 2022/23
5° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
32 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The students must acquire knowledge and understanding about the diagnostic capabilities offered by CT. Students will have to improve their knowledge and understanding regarding the CT images’ post processing. They will have to apply their knowledge and understanding for obtaining the best results with CT images post processing in order to reach the correct diagnosis. They should be able to understand the acquired data and discuss a differential diagnosis, applying knowledge and understanding, showing professional skills and being able to make judgements. Students must show communication and learning skills.


Anatomy, physiology, general pathology knowledge

Course unit content

CT instrumentations will be discussed. CT “Windows’ width and windows’ level” for different tissue density will be presented and discussed with students. CT applications for thorax, abdomen and bone will be discussed.

Full programme

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Schwarz T, Saunders J: Veterinary Computed Tomography. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011

Teaching methods

frontal/practical lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives involves an oral / practical exam. The achievement of the objectives of knowledge and understanding of the contents will be verified. The verification involves the discussion of a CT exam and it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the goal of applying the knowledge acquired. Students will have to demonstrate knowledge and understanding, be able to apply them in order to demonstrate a professional approach to their work and possess the appropriate skills to support their arguments and to solve problems in the study of the topic. They must also demonstrate the ability to collect and interpret the data collected useful for determining independent judgments.
Students with SLD, Special Educational needs or disability must send requests to be able to take advantage of compensatory and / or dispensatory measures during the exam at least 10 working days before the date scheduled for the exam by e-mail addressed to the teacher holding the '' teaching and knowledge to the Department Coordinator (list of contact persons and related email addresses available here: http://cai.unipr.it/it/student-con-dsa-e-con-bes/42/ and at the Reception Center and Inclusion (cai@unipr.it).

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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